Monday 30 January 2017

Monday's Quizzes (30/01/17)

Happy Birthday to Sporcle! Ten years old, egad. Just think, back then we had a Republican President whose intelligence was frequently questioned and Robert Mugabe was dictator of Zimbabwe. Now, er... oh well, we'll always have quizzes.


Profile: Franklin D Roosevelt

On the one hand, it's only right that one of the most successful (and by far the longest-serving) Presidents gets featured on the homepage. On the other hand... WHAT RELEVANCE DOES HIS ZODIAC SIGN HAVE TO DO WITH ANYTHING?!?

Okay, I'll calm down. But of all the questions, 'Historybuff101', why that one? Perhaps 'Attended this Conference in 1945' would have been more apt. Not that it makes any difference to FDR, I guess.

101 Movie 'A' Words
Good grief this was intimidating, but I actually did reasonably well with 87%. There's really only two ways to play this: attack it head-on, or run away screaming. Or watch 101 films I guess, but that might lead to more screaming, especially if you find them all under 'Horror'.

You know what's more intimidating? Trying to count the number of Publishes 'MSUKent' has received, including this latest one. I may have given up after a single glance at the list.

TV Shows by Bowling Scene
I'm a big fan of 'hatefulmissy', and this 20th Publish is right up there with the best of them. Because who doesn't love TV shows and/or bowling? And why do they have loads of TV screens at bowling alleys when they never put anything good on? Also, if a bowler goes on strike, is that a good thing or a bad thing? I may have wondered off topic here.

American Civil War Sorting Gallery
My knowledge of American History after the Civil War is decent (I know all about Andrew Johnson and his self-inflicted impeachment), but I'll hold my hands up and admit I don't know a huge amount about the War itself, aside from obvious things like the Gettysburg Address and Robert E Lee. But this is still a well-made quiz and 'esvadude' clearly knows their stuff: the only surprise is that they hadn't had a Publish in History sooner.

Northern Hemisphere Africa Minefield
First things first, 'wiggytitch': that dragon on your profile picture is adorable. Secondly, this is a clever twist on the geography of Africa: you might know all the countries, but do you know which ones are Northern and which are Southern (the latter of which should therefore not be clicked)? I nearly reached the end without blowing up, but alas, my 34th click was a careless one. At least I didn't pick South Africa...

20 Ways Not to Wear a 'Cast'
Despite what you might think, this is not a Science quiz, but rather one of Language. Effectively, the task set by 'bowsntoys' (Curator of Many a Subcategory) is to take the word 'cast' and see how many words you can make by changing just one letter. Which, as it turns out, is twenty. So consider that next time you break your arm.

Find the Cartoon Birds
Curator for Europe 'kfastic' - I repeat, Curator for Europe - has excelled himself here with a picture click quiz involving many an avian creature that did feature upon the big screen. Do you know your Zazu from your Iago, or your Duckula from your Scrooge McDuck? Then you'll pass this quiz with... *insert bird puns here*

Sporcle Original Six
Ah, nostalgia. It ain't what it used to be. But a quiz that invokes it can't be bad, and the Curator for MLB, 'hscer', has just the thing here! It's not particularly complicated, but sometimes it's nice to have a bit of simplicity amidst all the challenges. Also, do the results of this mean that Shakespeare's more popular than the Super Bowl? Because I highly doubt that'll be the case come Sunday...

US States by Third Largest City

So much for simplicity! This quiz gives you a map of the States and dares you to identify them by cities that are bigger than most, but might still fly under the radar of those who grew up on the wrong side of the Atlantic, like this poor fool. 'El_Dandy' should still be commended for his efforts in creating a quiz that, like the other Geography quiz published today, has a clever twist on a popular topic.

5 by 5 Disney Characters

Here's the thing: in Disney films, you're either a princess, a sidekick, a villain, a henchman, or magical. Of course, sometimes you're two things, but let's not get into semantics. 'lolshortee' is one of Sporcle's Admins, but we doubt he needed to use any of his influence to get this one Published: it's excellently designed and a lot of fun to play, whilst not being too challenging (not for this Disney geek, anyway).

Top NBA Rookie Scorers Since 2000
As someone who's never watched more than five minutes of basketball, I'm going to say noooooope to this one. But 'Feely' is clearly a master at Sports quizzes: this is their seventh Publish, and all of them have come from that category. I think I've got an idea as to what their Specialist Subject would be...

Honourable Mentions
Word Ladder - Come to the Dark Side: Short but sweet from 'AnakinCane'. Anakin, eh? I wonder...
Missing Word - '90s Best Movie Soundtrack: Language Editor 'Flick' makes us want to listen to all those film scores again. After all, it's quicker than watching all the films involved.
Quick Pick - Medical TV Shows: 'sproutcm' gets Published again, but there's nothing he can do about my woeful 5/20. The prognosis is not good, but he's offered to make me as comfortable as possible.

Come back tomorrow for the last of January's Publishes!

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