Wednesday 25 January 2017

Wednesday's Quizzes (25/01/17)

Hello there! Let's dive right in...

South America: North to South

Avast, 'Cutthroat', ye be making a fine quiz here! To think that a Geography puzzle involving just twelve answers could be so tricky. I took 8 goes to finish this one off. Eight! As Hans Moleman would say, "You just took away the last five minutes of my life and I want them back!" Nevertheless, this is the 67th Publish that 'Cutthroat' has received, and yet it has already received over 30,000 CQPs (Created Quiz Plays). That's more than all my CQPs put together!

Led Zeppelin Opening Lyrics

Who is the mysterious user, 'The'? How do they feel about their first ever Publish? Are they pleased that it's getting A Whole Lotta Love? Why don't I know more than half a dozen Led Zeppelin songs? I ask you.

'Mary Tyler Moore' Cast Photo

Oh, 2017: you were doing so well. No major celebrities had passed away: until now, it seems. In tribute, this quiz duly made the homepage, and involves working out both the names of the cast, and the names of their characters. Have I ever watched the Mary Tyler Moore show? Barely. So all things considered, we'll take the 5/12 score and move on: though not before mentioning 'sproutcm', who is something of a legend on Sporcle. If you haven't played one of his quizzes, you're probably lying.

2009 Movies by Poster

I'm a big fan of 'RobPro', former Editor of Geography on Sporcle, and he's created another fine quiz here: using only a fragment of its poster as a clue, you have to guess a good twenty or so movies, all from the fine, fine year of 2009. How many have I actually watched? Three. But one of those is Up, so I'm in the clear.

Right-Handed Images

How often do you look at your keyboard and think, "Man, I could type so many words with just my right hand"? Well, you'll be thinking that a lot more often after you're done with this quiz by 'bhenderson79', whose abilities both as a quizmaker and Editor of Science know no bounds. If you like Natural History, their quiz on the topic will be right up your street.

Animated TV Character Sort

There are three key elements to mastering the latest Published quiz by 'BoggelTeam':

  1. Know your Simpsons characters
  2. Know your Family Guy characters
  3. Know your South Park characters
This will then enable you to deduce that the other characters (of which I've barely heard) must be from Bob's Burgers. Job's a good 'un! Sadly, I had not quite mastered the three key elements, and kept getting Family Guy and South Park mixed up. In my defence, they're both very non-PC.

Unique Letter MLB Teams
See what I mean about 'sproutcm'? Seriously, getting published twice in one day is no mean feat. Nor is naming the six MLB teams that have unique letters at the start of their nickname. That is, if you know next to nowt about baseball. Look, I know the Cubs beat the Indians, that's worth something, right? *sobs*

Countries by Second Largest City
I'll be honest, this mammoth quiz by 'beanhead4529' has yet to be attempted by yours truly. I mean, naming 197 cities is HARD. But to name all 197 countries based on their second largest city? I imagine I would struggle to get more than 50% on this one. This is also the first Publish for 'beanhead4529': I wonder what their second biggest publish will turn out to be?

Let's Make Batman's Logo
In the comments, they claim to be Batman: but there's more to 'El_Dandy' than that. After all, they're the Editor for the 'Just For Fun' category, and the Curator for 'Movie Quotes' (here's looking at you, kid). With over 2 million CQPs under their belt, this is just another feather in the cap, but it's a very entertaining feather all the same. Your task? To know so much about Batman that you can make his logo WITH YOUR ANSWERS. Revel Batman fans. Revel in your geekiness.

'E' Vocabulary (Medium)
Some quizzes are published very shortly after being created. However, for 'beforever', the Editor for Geography, this one took a while to get noticed by the powers that be, having been created over four years ago. Knowing your definitions is key to mastering this, as well as understanding the difference between an epiglottis and and an espresso: namely, that serving customers an epiglottis will get you fired (at least).

A Million Times for Prime Minister
Ha! At last, my specialist knowledge pays off: having worked in Parliament, I know a fair thing or two about UK Political Party Leaders and their success (or lack thereof) at the polls. Thus, I felt rather smug at doing better than most on this quiz by 'teedslaststand', the Curator for Physics. In fact, at this moment in time, no-one has got 100%: not even 'teedslaststand' themselves! Perhaps they will find solace in having over 70 Publishes...

Country by Longtime Leader
Worried about how long Trump might be in power, America? Then consider the countries who feature on this quiz, as they found themselves under the rule of one man for multiple decades. Indeed, in the case of Zimbabwe, said man shows no signs of budging after 36 years! At least dear old Donald can't have more than eight years in the White House: a drop in the ocean compared to this slideshow of dictators. 'No_r_WAY' is no stranger to being Published, and can count this as their ninth quiz to feature on the homepage: a fine achievement.

Honourable Mentions
Word Ladder - Subliminal Message - I see what you did there, 'Mimbleton'. Nice use of emojis!
Missing Word - Movie Title Adjectives (A-Z) - This quiz by 'khands' could have made me angry, but it's no big deal, I'll play it cool.
Quick Pick - Around the World - Did I live in Sweden for six months? Yes, I did. Do I still get Swedish and Danish mixed up? Yes again. Curse you, 'babymonkee'!

Thanks for reading, and keep Sporcling!



  1. Nice blog! Our scheduling team had fun reading it. -Marie@Sporcle

    1. Why thank you! Glad it was a source of entertainment :)
