Sunday 29 January 2017

Sunday's Quizzes (29/01/17)

We might as well get the obvious one over with...

Click the Slogan Ending

Man, who does this 'christopherjulia' (that sure sounds familiar) think he is? Gets his first Publish and all of a sudden he thinks he's the best thing since sliced bread. I happen to know for a fact that he's actually incredibly overrated. Who even cares about his Slogan quiz anyway? 'BeerHound'? As if. Frankly, 'christopherjulia' is a sad, strange little man, and he has my pity.

Click the Mythbusters Cast

Now this is more like it! None of this Slogan rubbish, no sir. Instead, 'scole9179', Curator for Baseball and Singer, treats us with a Mythbusters cast picture and dares us to put names to faces. With just five people in the photo, it shouldn't be too difficult, right? Right?

Country Capital Minefield: North America

I'm filing this one under the category of 'Tricky Blighters', for this quiz delights in tripping you up with tempting decoys that automatically halt your progress should you click on them. Curator for Art and Finnish Sporcler, 'Aprilli', I suppose you think this is funny. What is the Finnish for funny, I wonder?

Click a Movie, Initially (Sports Movies)

I had a bit of a gripe about Sports quizzes yesterday, but this Movies/Sports quiz is far from frustrating, even if I did get under 50%. Part of the appeal is its Picture Click element, but also the tricky task of trying to work out a movie based on a) a scene from it and b) its initials is rather captivating. 'B_Awesome_87', consider your third Publish a hit!

Famous First Novels

A rather risque username here: 'shadesofgray42'. What happened to the other 8, we wonder? In any case, this first Literature Publish by said Sporcler is clever, as it forces you to consider the authors not by their most famous work, but by their first famous work. This then causes you to try and go through all their works, unless you truly are a novel nerd. In which case, this is probably rather easy.

Three Letter 'A' Words

Ask and any ass... oh damn, I was doing well for a second there. The curiously named 'lollipopfreak' gets their sixth Publish (and first in Language) with a quiz that will make you question the existence of the letter 'a'. What does it want from us? Why are there so many of it? Aah! Agh! Arr...

3 Albums, 1 Missing Word

'barnacle_bill' had four Publishes to his name before this one, and three of those involved songs, so perhaps it's no surprise that his latest Publish comes in the Music category. A good mixture of popular and obscure artists has been thrown into this quiz (I had never ever heard of Captain Beefheart), and this is reflected in its high overall rating of 4.69. Can we now expect a Blue Peter theme quiz, 'barnacle_bill'?

First Five: Science

Five Publishes in nine days? That must be some sort of first, 'teedslaststand'! It's also reached 5,000 plays already, and has a rating of 4.55. All it needs is to get five favourites, I guess. Also, 'troposphere' is definitely my word for the day.

What Movie? Back to the Camera X

May I be so bold to suggest that 'Larryholmes79' has another four extra Publishes coming his way soon? Because the Curator for Actor has had 10 out of 14 in his Quiz Series published, so I reckon it's a safe enough bet. Also, I may need to watch more films. 8/25 does not a good score make.

Solar System, Star Wars, or Star Trek Planets

A Sporcler who's never had a Publish before makes the breakthrough with a Miscellaneous quiz. Something seems really familiar about this... 'IRISHOWN', however, unlike that other guy, has only ever made two quizzes. That's the sort of efficient productivity that many would envy. If you've never watched Star Wars or Star Trek, you should still get at least a third of these right: if not, it's back to Science class for you, my friend!

Premier League Nationalities: Europe

So, 'bob050381', it appears you know how catch my interest: make a quiz that involves Premier League and Geography. Perhaps not everyone's cup of tea, but darn it I'm hooked! Though we had no idea who Lorik Cana was (31 appearances for Sunderland), and only got his nationality right through sheer fluke. But then, football and luck often work well together...

Honorable Mentions
Word Ladder: Horizontal Before and After - there's a subtle beauty and intelligence to this quiz that you can really appreciate if you play it all the way through. Cleverly done, 'broxx'!
Missing Word: Films About Midlife Crises - who knew there so many of them? Clearly, Geography editor 'beforever' did...
Quick Pick: Ologies - No Apologies? But it's the most British field of study there is, O Curator for Musicals (aka 'mhershfield')!

Off to bed in a rather deliriously happy state. Can't think why...

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