Friday 27 January 2017

Friday's Quiz (27/01/17)

Let's begin with a controversial response to yesterday's Australia Day...

The New Zealand Quiz

Can you take any Maori of these quizzes, dear reader? Perhaps completing this latest Publish by 'tlnicol11' holds the Kiwi to your salvation? I wonder what they'll Cook up next...

(I got 36/50, in case you were wondering)

Portrait of an Artist: The Beatles

Considering how often we Brits are bombarded with Beatles songs (especially when we visit Liverpool), 'bhenderson79' has done well to find two songs that are less known: by this Sporcler, at least. Using the 'Map' format, this is a quiz that is beautifully laid out and uses a good mixture of Beatles lyrics and general knowledge about the Fab Four to create a compelling challenge.

Sets of Three X

This series had seen nine publishes for 'nspyred' alone, so it would seem rather harsh for the latest to not join the group in making the homepage. In order to master this quiz, each set of three items have to be matched with the correct category. Got that? Good, because I refused to get it at least six times. Sigh.

We Didn't Start the Fire: Historically Speaking III

Methinks these Quiz Series have something going for them: if you've had a quiz published, why not make a sequel that can thrive off the success of its predecessor? Of course, not all series can be successful, but ones about Billy Joel and/or History have a fair chance. Indeed, they're the only Published quizzes that 'strunk09' has to their name. What's even more surprising is the fact that 'strunk09' has only made seven quizzes in total. Surely that's a contender for the best Published/Created ratio on Sporcle?

Dutch Words You Probably Know

A credit to his native Netherlands, 'markassonne' has created a straightforward but enjoyable and educational quiz. Did you know the word waffle stems from the Dutch language? The Belgians won't thank you for knowing that...

Human Bones (A-Z)

As 'tripleblack' put it, this quiz is "quite humerus". That's all your getting.

Except for this: what kind of world is it where the Geography Editor ('beforever') gets a publish in Science, whilst the Science Editor gets a publish in Music? We live in anarchic times...

Comically Obvious Brand Knock-Offs IV
Another Quiz Series?!? This is getting out of hand: as indeed, are the fake brands highlighted by 'Chenchilla', the Curator for Alphabet and Logo. Who thought of combining Transformers with Thomas the Tank Engine? What has that phoney Mickey Mouse been put through? And where can I buy a Hardly Davidson?

Actors & Actresses by Movie: 'C'

Aaaaaand now we see the Editor for Literature, 'khands', get a Publish in the Movies category. I... just... you know what? It's fine. This is a funky Picture Click quiz, and it reminds me of the Brady Bunch. Plus there's Tim Curry!

Bonus points if you recognise Emilia Clarke without her dragons, by the way...

Anything but Peru
This quiz by 'Pastor_Maldonado', Curator for Auto Racing, could have done with more llamas. But it's intriguing nevertheless, and makes you ask the question: why do so many countires in Oceania end with a 'u'? It's also a quiz that caused a hubbub in the comments section, as French Guiana once again caused a bit of a headache for a Geography quiz.

Double-Letter Best Picture Winners
I fear I may have to be harsh and say this was my least favourite quiz to play today: I am quite fussy about what films I like and don't like, and am unlikely to go trawling through the archives to find a classic from the 1930s. Would I sit through all of 'Gone With The Wind', for example? I doubt it. Have I ever watched so much as five minutes of the Oscars? Not to my knowledge.

What I will say, however, is that 'teedslaststand' appears to have hit upon a very funky colour scheme. It might not be the greatest quiz I've ever played, but it looks good. And that is often key in securing yourself a Publish, so budding Quiz Creators should take note.

Honorable Mentions
Word Ladder: Terry Malloy's Lament - 'zaphenath', you crack me up. It helps if you know your classic movie quotes for this one.
Missing Word: Movie Words Ending in 'S' - I somehow knew all of these, which I doubt was 'braverobot''s intention. Maybe it helped that a lot of these are quite recent? Hmm...
Quick Pick: 'F' World Landmarks - 'nopurplesky' is a master of the Daily Dose Publish, and once again the creation of a Quiz Series pays off for the Quiz Creator. As for the quiz itself: curse you, 'Franz Josef Glacier'!!!

Five days until I can unleash more quizzes on Sporcle! I've been creating a few since I reached my quota for January. Until tomorrow!

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