Saturday 28 January 2017

Saturday's Quizzes (28/01/17)

Firstly, let us confess our sins: it was not 'khands' who received a Publish in the Movies category with their Picture Click quiz, but 'kfastic', the Curator for Europe. To err is human! My apologies.

Back to the quizzes at hand...

Treasure Hunt! III

The Curator for Legend Of Zelda, 'goc3', has something of a game for you to play in this quiz, but there are no ocarinas or heroes called Link to be found here. Instead, you must guide your ship through mine-infested waters to reach the treasure. Next time I'll be sure to have a compass about me!

Asian Countries in Alphabetical Order

Another Curator, another Publish: this time our Scripture Curator 'eyes355' takes centre stage. I shall keep my review of this one brief: curse you, Maldives. Curse you in all your tiny glory.

Tiny Almost Useless Trivia XVII

The number of quizzes in this Series rivals French monarchs called Louis in its number. And indeed, those French monarchs are of as much use to today's society as these pieces of trivia. Oh yes, I went there. It made for a pleasant visit, monsieur!

(This is also the latest part of the empire of quizzes that belong to 'sproutcm'. Their dominion is as intimidating as it is vast)

Follow That Lyric: The Rolling Stones

Fun fact: my Dad looks like Mick Jagger, only slightly younger and with smaller lips. So it stands to reason that I am a huge Rolling Stones fan and aced this quiz by 'TheZizz', who has excellent taste in music (they've also had Publishes for quizzes about Queen and Journey).

Caution: side effects of this quiz include listening to Wiiiiiiiiiiilllllllld Horrrrrrssessssssss

Closest Countries to Italy

The creator of this quiz 'Balaitous', sounds like a Victorian adjective. "His pantaloons were simply far too balaitous to be allowed in our fine establishment", for example. What does this have to do with Italy? No idea. Just type all the countries near the Mediterranean Sea to ace this quiz. That ought to do it.

Donald Trump: Multiple Choice

Ugh, this guy. So glad I already played this quiz a couple of months ago. In any case, the creator of this quiz, 'manonthemoon', who I hear has never lived on the moon, is so overrated. Sad!

A Decade of Sports (1980s)

Hmm, I fear I must take some slight issue with this quiz by 'dlte': a little too US-centric, no? Sure, there's a few answers that require knowledge of the Olympics and the World Cup, but it would have been nice to have had Champions League winners of the 1980s included, or something to make it easier for those of us who hail from Europe. Still, I shall not begrudge the Publish, as I do like a challenge: alas, the New York Islanders was not one of the teams I guessed. There's always next decade, right?

Video Game 'To-Do' List

A Curator for not just Minefield but also The Office, 'Thebiguglyalien' was the Sporcler who gave me my first ever Curator's Pick (CP), so I owe them big. Their generosity with CPs is almost as vast as their ability to make hilarious quizzes, and this one had me chuckling continuously. Do you need to do anything in Wii Sports other than play tennis, play bowling and then throw your remote into the television? You could, but it would be unnecessary.

NFL Jersey Numbering System
At this rate, I'm going to have to move to the States and absorb as much sports info as I can. I can't see how I'm supposed to do well at NFL quizzes otherwise. Why, 'triviahappy', do you target my weak points of knowledge so? Is being Curator for 'Begins and Ends' and 'Catholicism' not enough, you monster?

(Go Falcons btw)

The Daily Show Correspondents

And so my need to move to the States increases. I recognised John Oliver. I recognised Stephen Colbert. I misspelled Steve Carell. I cried. I gave it a favourite anyway. I noticed that 'dolebanana' has an octopus with a top hat as a profile pic. I approved tremendously.

Honorable Mentions
Word Ladder: 1966 Crime Thriller - 'bowsntoys', I apologise. I got every word in this word ladder except the two that mattered: the two that made up the title of the film. Grrrrr.
Missing Word: 'Hard' Songs - I tried to finish this quiz by 'timmylemoine1' without thinking about innuendos. But it was hard... so hard.
Quick Pick: Mario Kart Wii Racers - 'BorezU' almost sounds like Bowser. Coincidence? I didn't think so.

Is it just me, or were there fewer published quizzes today? Something to ponder as I drift off to sleep...

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