Tuesday 24 January 2017

Tuesday's Quizzes (24/01/17)

Dear all,

Welcome to my blog on life as a Sporcler: that is, someone who plays enough Sporcle quizzes to consider themselves a devotee to all things Sporcle. To my knowledge, Sporcle does not mean anything, but it is full of many an entertaining quiz to keep one amused for hours.

As the Curator for the Subcategory Quote, I have the responsibility of finding quizzes that come under that category and, if they're good enough, it is my duty to give them a Curator's Pick, thus boosting their profile. Some of these may go on to get Editor's Picks and feature on the Category page: a few more may find themselves published on the Sporcle homepage. Impressive, no? After all this is a site where more than 2 billion quizzes have been played.

With this in mind, I have decided to broaden my horizons and play my way through all the Published quizzes that feature on the Sporcle homepage, starting with today. So let's dive in...

Africa Geography Bunker

I'll be honest. My knowledge of Africa is woeful. So this quiz by 'rolftheoaf' was a delight, as it only took me, er, seven attempts to get to the end of this particular bunker quiz (you have to get every answer right on a bunker quiz, or it's game over). It's also got a neat colour scheme, but green is my favourite colour, so there's some bias going on there. This is 'rolftheoaf'''s third publish, with all their published quizzes so far coming in Geography. Well, they are the Curator for North America...

A Rainbow of Mugs

What's not to love about mugs? Especially these ones, which are multi-coloured and with many a differing theme, from A Clockwork Orange to Spongebob Squarepants. It turns out I'd already played this one, but I certainly didn't mind having another crack. 'timmylemoine1' deserves great credit for their 140th publish, and I've really enjoyed playing their Mosaic quizzes, which are well worth a look.

3-Word '90s Movies II

I do like a good movie, but I would not consider myself a film buff, so this quiz by 'heatherksalem' made for a decent challenge. In it, you have to try and match the words from three separate columns to make a legitimate 90's movie. Sadly, Shakespeare in Seattle was not a correct answer, but I stand by my decision. This is 'heatherksalem''s 7th publish, and I think you'll agree it's magnificent!

Dr Seuss by Decade

This quiz by 'LTH' takes your knowledge of Dr Seuss' works to levels you never knew you had. Sure, you can name some of his works: but can you name one for each decade, I ask? In my case, the answer was a resounding no: only 2 out of 7. Forgive, me 'LTH': I have failed you. Then again, this Sporcler has seen their games played almost 30 million times, so I doubt they mind.

'G' in Science

Like my knowledge of Africa, Science is an area where I look like a fool. However, I fared slightly better on this quiz, and managed to get nine of the first ten questions right. Sadly, the second half was not a success, and I ended up getting 13 out of 20, though that does seem to be the average. Perhaps if Gallifrey was a real planet I'd have had more success. This is a series of Letters in Science quizzes by 'THEJMAN', so expect them to receive more publishes in future!

Connect 4: Common Bonds (A-Z) II

In this excellent quiz by 'Purple_Parrot', the aim is to observe the four words and work out what common theme links them together: for example, Attack/Horse/Police/Picture Frame could all be linked together by 'Mounted': you can mount an attack, you have mounted police, and so on. With well over a 100 published quizzes under their belt, 'Purple_Parrot' has a knack for getting their quizzes on the homepage, and rightfully so.

Who Was the Only President to...?

The Multiple Choice format has become something of a hit in recent weeks, with Sporclers finding that just because you have four options doesn't necessarily make the quiz easy. For instance, with this quiz by 'awesomeness365', to know about US Presidents and what they've done is not enough. Sometimes, you need to know what they haven't done: whether that's not getting married, or to have no political or military experience. This is the 11th publish for 'awesomeness365', who appears to have cracked the History category: this is their 3rd History publish in just over a month!

Harry Potter Family Relationship Click

Proving that being a Curator in one area does not limit your abilities to excel in another, the Doctor Who Curator 'FantasticBowTies' has come up with a marvelous Harry Potter quiz that puts you through your paces. Do you know who Aunt Marge's nephew is from a photo? What about Bellatrix Lestrange's sister? Whether you do or you don't, it's all relative! (That was terrible - Ed.)

The Words Not Mixed

This. This is the quiz that made my day. The great 'gazzso' (as they are known) has made a few of these quizzes, where you are faced with a blank double-page spread. Your task is to type words, starting with 'a', 'it', and so on. As you do this, the page becomes filled with words, but also with footnotes that seem somewhat scrambled. Your task? To unscramble them, type the unscrambled word, and reveal more of the poem that 'gazzso' has chosen. It is a thing of beauty, and one can only wonder how long the blasted thing must have taken to make.

Cities in Asia Match

Again, this quiz takes your knowledge to previously untested levels. So you can name some cities in Asia? That's impressive. But can you match five Asian cities to the correct country, eight times over? Because I couldn't do that even with a second attempt. 6 out of 8 was the best I could do, I'm afraid. 'ElPresidente_pan', you have bested me. Congratulations on your second publish!

FIFA World Cup Finalists by Official Language

That moment when you realise just how dominant German, Spanish and Portuguese are as languages in the world of football. 'wallstreet29ers' takes a quiz that, in theory, belongs in the Sports category and made it a Language quiz instead: such ingenuity should not go unpublished! Indeed, it's their first ever Publish, which makes it even more impressive.

Honorable Mentions

Geology II by 'cfxlspo' (Word Ladder) - I ran away screaming, but that's only because I am awful at Geology, not because it's a bad quiz.
Movie Sequel Taglines II by 'jvwald' (Missing Word) - A sequel to end all sequels, methinks...
'Harry Potter' Chapters II by 'tim_parr' (Quick Pick) - A good selection of chapters from the seven books in the series, this was my favourite of the three.

Thanks for reading, and keep Sporcling!

Chris (aka christopherjulia)

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