Thursday 26 January 2017

Thursday's Quizzes (26/01/17)

Oh, I am drowsy, but we persevere!

50 States, 50 Plates

Today's homepage featured some quizzes that were challenging, to put it mildly. This one by 'jr637' was one of them. Do I know all the US States? Yes. Do I know their outlines and nicknames when given to me on number plates I've never seen? I think we know. Let's keep moving before anyone finds out how badly I did...

Billboard #1 Singles (2016)

'Tenkmoves', you fiend. Just as we'd all got those catchy top hits out of our heads, you cram them right back in with this surprisingly tricky quiz. And then to top it off, you get your first Publish as a result. Adele's 'Hello' is lodged in my cranium, 'Tenkmoves'. I wonder how you sleep at night.

Pixar Movie by Shirt

Did it bore you to make this, 'BorezU'? Because it entertained the heck out of me. Yes, some of the t-shirts were obvious, but I nearly fell over laughing at the 'Finding Nemo' one, and the last answer is delightfully subtle. 'BorezU' has several Publishes under their belt, but we doubt any of them will be as popular as this.

Australian Cities: Real or Fake?

I... I don't even know where to begin with this one. Will anyone manage to get 100%? Why isn't there a town called Woop Woop? Did I do anything remotely Australian on Australia Day? Did I?!?

...dammit 'Scott'.

Countries by First and Last Letter III

'BanjoZebra', I like both your username and your style. This quiz is easy to begin, then becomes infuriating as you somehow miss obvious countries like the one that starts with 'N' and ends with 'Y'. You know what I'm talking about. Incidentally, 'BanjoZebra' has some serious publishing form: we're a big fan of their quiz on Headless Cartoon Characters.

Odd World Leader Out

Man, the Sporcle powers that be are liking their Multiple Choice History Quizzes this week. This one's by 'Nordic' (who appears to be a wolf, to be confirmed) and features some names that seem just too silly to be the ones of world leaders. This perhaps distracts you from the task of spotting the odd one out: a cunning scheme, 'Nordic'.

'One' Song Titles

Do you know how many of these quizzes Television Editor 'JoeBeta' has made? Forty three. Forty three quizzes about song titles. The playlist is daunting. Of course, if you create forty three quizzes, law of averages dictates that one will feature on the homepage: and let's be honest, seven months isn't too long to wait.

30 Simple Math Match-Ups

To my fellow Curator 'manonthemoon', I have to ask: how is a two-minute minefield quiz involving math allowed to be described as simple?!? By way of argument, it took 'TheCleverone' seven attempts to get 100%: and if the clever one is struggling, what chance do us numbskulls have? Still, it's delightful in its devilry, and some of my most successful quizzes are due to good advice from 'manonthemoon', so I guess I'll let it go this one time.

Iconic Scenes Behind the Scenes
An interesting concept by 'Propellerhead' (the Curator for Oscar), who not only gives us shots from famous movies, but gives us shots that include directors and camera crew. Who knew, for example, that there were so many mattresses involved in Star Wars V? The more you know.

Find Five 'E' Things
This is the sort of quiz where it's easy to score 90%, but very tricky to score 100%, on the first go. There's always an answer that sounds like it belongs in a different set, and 'eyes355' succeeded in tripping me up no less than five times. I imagine they'll have future success in doing that, as this seems to be a series of quizzes, many of which have already made their way onto the homepage.

Greatest Super Bowl Commericals by Clip

The editor for Miscellaneous, 'Hejman', is one of the big hitters when it comes to creating quizzes. You think you've made a good audio quiz? Prepare to be blown out of the water by 'Hejman', who has somehow managed to use SoundCloud to give their quizzes that extra boost in quality. I failed admirably at this, but it was worth it for the 'herding cats' commercial. That made me giggle a fair bit.

Honorable Mentions
Word Ladder - Sad Snapchat by 'Probo11' - neat colour scheme and reassuringly simple.
Missing Word - Classic Rock Artists by 'hermcrmy' - I was doing well until the Tom Petty answer reminded me of the Lonely Island song that features him. My bad.
Quick Pick - Nut or Bean by 'ZYX'. Bean there, nut too fond of the experience. I lie, this was fun :)

Where did I put my bed again? Must do sleep thing...

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