Monday 30 January 2017

Monday's Quizzes (30/01/17)

Happy Birthday to Sporcle! Ten years old, egad. Just think, back then we had a Republican President whose intelligence was frequently questioned and Robert Mugabe was dictator of Zimbabwe. Now, er... oh well, we'll always have quizzes.


Profile: Franklin D Roosevelt

On the one hand, it's only right that one of the most successful (and by far the longest-serving) Presidents gets featured on the homepage. On the other hand... WHAT RELEVANCE DOES HIS ZODIAC SIGN HAVE TO DO WITH ANYTHING?!?

Okay, I'll calm down. But of all the questions, 'Historybuff101', why that one? Perhaps 'Attended this Conference in 1945' would have been more apt. Not that it makes any difference to FDR, I guess.

101 Movie 'A' Words
Good grief this was intimidating, but I actually did reasonably well with 87%. There's really only two ways to play this: attack it head-on, or run away screaming. Or watch 101 films I guess, but that might lead to more screaming, especially if you find them all under 'Horror'.

You know what's more intimidating? Trying to count the number of Publishes 'MSUKent' has received, including this latest one. I may have given up after a single glance at the list.

TV Shows by Bowling Scene
I'm a big fan of 'hatefulmissy', and this 20th Publish is right up there with the best of them. Because who doesn't love TV shows and/or bowling? And why do they have loads of TV screens at bowling alleys when they never put anything good on? Also, if a bowler goes on strike, is that a good thing or a bad thing? I may have wondered off topic here.

American Civil War Sorting Gallery
My knowledge of American History after the Civil War is decent (I know all about Andrew Johnson and his self-inflicted impeachment), but I'll hold my hands up and admit I don't know a huge amount about the War itself, aside from obvious things like the Gettysburg Address and Robert E Lee. But this is still a well-made quiz and 'esvadude' clearly knows their stuff: the only surprise is that they hadn't had a Publish in History sooner.

Northern Hemisphere Africa Minefield
First things first, 'wiggytitch': that dragon on your profile picture is adorable. Secondly, this is a clever twist on the geography of Africa: you might know all the countries, but do you know which ones are Northern and which are Southern (the latter of which should therefore not be clicked)? I nearly reached the end without blowing up, but alas, my 34th click was a careless one. At least I didn't pick South Africa...

20 Ways Not to Wear a 'Cast'
Despite what you might think, this is not a Science quiz, but rather one of Language. Effectively, the task set by 'bowsntoys' (Curator of Many a Subcategory) is to take the word 'cast' and see how many words you can make by changing just one letter. Which, as it turns out, is twenty. So consider that next time you break your arm.

Find the Cartoon Birds
Curator for Europe 'kfastic' - I repeat, Curator for Europe - has excelled himself here with a picture click quiz involving many an avian creature that did feature upon the big screen. Do you know your Zazu from your Iago, or your Duckula from your Scrooge McDuck? Then you'll pass this quiz with... *insert bird puns here*

Sporcle Original Six
Ah, nostalgia. It ain't what it used to be. But a quiz that invokes it can't be bad, and the Curator for MLB, 'hscer', has just the thing here! It's not particularly complicated, but sometimes it's nice to have a bit of simplicity amidst all the challenges. Also, do the results of this mean that Shakespeare's more popular than the Super Bowl? Because I highly doubt that'll be the case come Sunday...

US States by Third Largest City

So much for simplicity! This quiz gives you a map of the States and dares you to identify them by cities that are bigger than most, but might still fly under the radar of those who grew up on the wrong side of the Atlantic, like this poor fool. 'El_Dandy' should still be commended for his efforts in creating a quiz that, like the other Geography quiz published today, has a clever twist on a popular topic.

5 by 5 Disney Characters

Here's the thing: in Disney films, you're either a princess, a sidekick, a villain, a henchman, or magical. Of course, sometimes you're two things, but let's not get into semantics. 'lolshortee' is one of Sporcle's Admins, but we doubt he needed to use any of his influence to get this one Published: it's excellently designed and a lot of fun to play, whilst not being too challenging (not for this Disney geek, anyway).

Top NBA Rookie Scorers Since 2000
As someone who's never watched more than five minutes of basketball, I'm going to say noooooope to this one. But 'Feely' is clearly a master at Sports quizzes: this is their seventh Publish, and all of them have come from that category. I think I've got an idea as to what their Specialist Subject would be...

Honourable Mentions
Word Ladder - Come to the Dark Side: Short but sweet from 'AnakinCane'. Anakin, eh? I wonder...
Missing Word - '90s Best Movie Soundtrack: Language Editor 'Flick' makes us want to listen to all those film scores again. After all, it's quicker than watching all the films involved.
Quick Pick - Medical TV Shows: 'sproutcm' gets Published again, but there's nothing he can do about my woeful 5/20. The prognosis is not good, but he's offered to make me as comfortable as possible.

Come back tomorrow for the last of January's Publishes!

Sunday 29 January 2017

Sunday's Quizzes (29/01/17)

We might as well get the obvious one over with...

Click the Slogan Ending

Man, who does this 'christopherjulia' (that sure sounds familiar) think he is? Gets his first Publish and all of a sudden he thinks he's the best thing since sliced bread. I happen to know for a fact that he's actually incredibly overrated. Who even cares about his Slogan quiz anyway? 'BeerHound'? As if. Frankly, 'christopherjulia' is a sad, strange little man, and he has my pity.

Click the Mythbusters Cast

Now this is more like it! None of this Slogan rubbish, no sir. Instead, 'scole9179', Curator for Baseball and Singer, treats us with a Mythbusters cast picture and dares us to put names to faces. With just five people in the photo, it shouldn't be too difficult, right? Right?

Country Capital Minefield: North America

I'm filing this one under the category of 'Tricky Blighters', for this quiz delights in tripping you up with tempting decoys that automatically halt your progress should you click on them. Curator for Art and Finnish Sporcler, 'Aprilli', I suppose you think this is funny. What is the Finnish for funny, I wonder?

Click a Movie, Initially (Sports Movies)

I had a bit of a gripe about Sports quizzes yesterday, but this Movies/Sports quiz is far from frustrating, even if I did get under 50%. Part of the appeal is its Picture Click element, but also the tricky task of trying to work out a movie based on a) a scene from it and b) its initials is rather captivating. 'B_Awesome_87', consider your third Publish a hit!

Famous First Novels

A rather risque username here: 'shadesofgray42'. What happened to the other 8, we wonder? In any case, this first Literature Publish by said Sporcler is clever, as it forces you to consider the authors not by their most famous work, but by their first famous work. This then causes you to try and go through all their works, unless you truly are a novel nerd. In which case, this is probably rather easy.

Three Letter 'A' Words

Ask and any ass... oh damn, I was doing well for a second there. The curiously named 'lollipopfreak' gets their sixth Publish (and first in Language) with a quiz that will make you question the existence of the letter 'a'. What does it want from us? Why are there so many of it? Aah! Agh! Arr...

3 Albums, 1 Missing Word

'barnacle_bill' had four Publishes to his name before this one, and three of those involved songs, so perhaps it's no surprise that his latest Publish comes in the Music category. A good mixture of popular and obscure artists has been thrown into this quiz (I had never ever heard of Captain Beefheart), and this is reflected in its high overall rating of 4.69. Can we now expect a Blue Peter theme quiz, 'barnacle_bill'?

First Five: Science

Five Publishes in nine days? That must be some sort of first, 'teedslaststand'! It's also reached 5,000 plays already, and has a rating of 4.55. All it needs is to get five favourites, I guess. Also, 'troposphere' is definitely my word for the day.

What Movie? Back to the Camera X

May I be so bold to suggest that 'Larryholmes79' has another four extra Publishes coming his way soon? Because the Curator for Actor has had 10 out of 14 in his Quiz Series published, so I reckon it's a safe enough bet. Also, I may need to watch more films. 8/25 does not a good score make.

Solar System, Star Wars, or Star Trek Planets

A Sporcler who's never had a Publish before makes the breakthrough with a Miscellaneous quiz. Something seems really familiar about this... 'IRISHOWN', however, unlike that other guy, has only ever made two quizzes. That's the sort of efficient productivity that many would envy. If you've never watched Star Wars or Star Trek, you should still get at least a third of these right: if not, it's back to Science class for you, my friend!

Premier League Nationalities: Europe

So, 'bob050381', it appears you know how catch my interest: make a quiz that involves Premier League and Geography. Perhaps not everyone's cup of tea, but darn it I'm hooked! Though we had no idea who Lorik Cana was (31 appearances for Sunderland), and only got his nationality right through sheer fluke. But then, football and luck often work well together...

Honorable Mentions
Word Ladder: Horizontal Before and After - there's a subtle beauty and intelligence to this quiz that you can really appreciate if you play it all the way through. Cleverly done, 'broxx'!
Missing Word: Films About Midlife Crises - who knew there so many of them? Clearly, Geography editor 'beforever' did...
Quick Pick: Ologies - No Apologies? But it's the most British field of study there is, O Curator for Musicals (aka 'mhershfield')!

Off to bed in a rather deliriously happy state. Can't think why...

Saturday 28 January 2017

Saturday's Quizzes (28/01/17)

Firstly, let us confess our sins: it was not 'khands' who received a Publish in the Movies category with their Picture Click quiz, but 'kfastic', the Curator for Europe. To err is human! My apologies.

Back to the quizzes at hand...

Treasure Hunt! III

The Curator for Legend Of Zelda, 'goc3', has something of a game for you to play in this quiz, but there are no ocarinas or heroes called Link to be found here. Instead, you must guide your ship through mine-infested waters to reach the treasure. Next time I'll be sure to have a compass about me!

Asian Countries in Alphabetical Order

Another Curator, another Publish: this time our Scripture Curator 'eyes355' takes centre stage. I shall keep my review of this one brief: curse you, Maldives. Curse you in all your tiny glory.

Tiny Almost Useless Trivia XVII

The number of quizzes in this Series rivals French monarchs called Louis in its number. And indeed, those French monarchs are of as much use to today's society as these pieces of trivia. Oh yes, I went there. It made for a pleasant visit, monsieur!

(This is also the latest part of the empire of quizzes that belong to 'sproutcm'. Their dominion is as intimidating as it is vast)

Follow That Lyric: The Rolling Stones

Fun fact: my Dad looks like Mick Jagger, only slightly younger and with smaller lips. So it stands to reason that I am a huge Rolling Stones fan and aced this quiz by 'TheZizz', who has excellent taste in music (they've also had Publishes for quizzes about Queen and Journey).

Caution: side effects of this quiz include listening to Wiiiiiiiiiiilllllllld Horrrrrrssessssssss

Closest Countries to Italy

The creator of this quiz 'Balaitous', sounds like a Victorian adjective. "His pantaloons were simply far too balaitous to be allowed in our fine establishment", for example. What does this have to do with Italy? No idea. Just type all the countries near the Mediterranean Sea to ace this quiz. That ought to do it.

Donald Trump: Multiple Choice

Ugh, this guy. So glad I already played this quiz a couple of months ago. In any case, the creator of this quiz, 'manonthemoon', who I hear has never lived on the moon, is so overrated. Sad!

A Decade of Sports (1980s)

Hmm, I fear I must take some slight issue with this quiz by 'dlte': a little too US-centric, no? Sure, there's a few answers that require knowledge of the Olympics and the World Cup, but it would have been nice to have had Champions League winners of the 1980s included, or something to make it easier for those of us who hail from Europe. Still, I shall not begrudge the Publish, as I do like a challenge: alas, the New York Islanders was not one of the teams I guessed. There's always next decade, right?

Video Game 'To-Do' List

A Curator for not just Minefield but also The Office, 'Thebiguglyalien' was the Sporcler who gave me my first ever Curator's Pick (CP), so I owe them big. Their generosity with CPs is almost as vast as their ability to make hilarious quizzes, and this one had me chuckling continuously. Do you need to do anything in Wii Sports other than play tennis, play bowling and then throw your remote into the television? You could, but it would be unnecessary.

NFL Jersey Numbering System
At this rate, I'm going to have to move to the States and absorb as much sports info as I can. I can't see how I'm supposed to do well at NFL quizzes otherwise. Why, 'triviahappy', do you target my weak points of knowledge so? Is being Curator for 'Begins and Ends' and 'Catholicism' not enough, you monster?

(Go Falcons btw)

The Daily Show Correspondents

And so my need to move to the States increases. I recognised John Oliver. I recognised Stephen Colbert. I misspelled Steve Carell. I cried. I gave it a favourite anyway. I noticed that 'dolebanana' has an octopus with a top hat as a profile pic. I approved tremendously.

Honorable Mentions
Word Ladder: 1966 Crime Thriller - 'bowsntoys', I apologise. I got every word in this word ladder except the two that mattered: the two that made up the title of the film. Grrrrr.
Missing Word: 'Hard' Songs - I tried to finish this quiz by 'timmylemoine1' without thinking about innuendos. But it was hard... so hard.
Quick Pick: Mario Kart Wii Racers - 'BorezU' almost sounds like Bowser. Coincidence? I didn't think so.

Is it just me, or were there fewer published quizzes today? Something to ponder as I drift off to sleep...

Friday 27 January 2017

Friday's Quiz (27/01/17)

Let's begin with a controversial response to yesterday's Australia Day...

The New Zealand Quiz

Can you take any Maori of these quizzes, dear reader? Perhaps completing this latest Publish by 'tlnicol11' holds the Kiwi to your salvation? I wonder what they'll Cook up next...

(I got 36/50, in case you were wondering)

Portrait of an Artist: The Beatles

Considering how often we Brits are bombarded with Beatles songs (especially when we visit Liverpool), 'bhenderson79' has done well to find two songs that are less known: by this Sporcler, at least. Using the 'Map' format, this is a quiz that is beautifully laid out and uses a good mixture of Beatles lyrics and general knowledge about the Fab Four to create a compelling challenge.

Sets of Three X

This series had seen nine publishes for 'nspyred' alone, so it would seem rather harsh for the latest to not join the group in making the homepage. In order to master this quiz, each set of three items have to be matched with the correct category. Got that? Good, because I refused to get it at least six times. Sigh.

We Didn't Start the Fire: Historically Speaking III

Methinks these Quiz Series have something going for them: if you've had a quiz published, why not make a sequel that can thrive off the success of its predecessor? Of course, not all series can be successful, but ones about Billy Joel and/or History have a fair chance. Indeed, they're the only Published quizzes that 'strunk09' has to their name. What's even more surprising is the fact that 'strunk09' has only made seven quizzes in total. Surely that's a contender for the best Published/Created ratio on Sporcle?

Dutch Words You Probably Know

A credit to his native Netherlands, 'markassonne' has created a straightforward but enjoyable and educational quiz. Did you know the word waffle stems from the Dutch language? The Belgians won't thank you for knowing that...

Human Bones (A-Z)

As 'tripleblack' put it, this quiz is "quite humerus". That's all your getting.

Except for this: what kind of world is it where the Geography Editor ('beforever') gets a publish in Science, whilst the Science Editor gets a publish in Music? We live in anarchic times...

Comically Obvious Brand Knock-Offs IV
Another Quiz Series?!? This is getting out of hand: as indeed, are the fake brands highlighted by 'Chenchilla', the Curator for Alphabet and Logo. Who thought of combining Transformers with Thomas the Tank Engine? What has that phoney Mickey Mouse been put through? And where can I buy a Hardly Davidson?

Actors & Actresses by Movie: 'C'

Aaaaaand now we see the Editor for Literature, 'khands', get a Publish in the Movies category. I... just... you know what? It's fine. This is a funky Picture Click quiz, and it reminds me of the Brady Bunch. Plus there's Tim Curry!

Bonus points if you recognise Emilia Clarke without her dragons, by the way...

Anything but Peru
This quiz by 'Pastor_Maldonado', Curator for Auto Racing, could have done with more llamas. But it's intriguing nevertheless, and makes you ask the question: why do so many countires in Oceania end with a 'u'? It's also a quiz that caused a hubbub in the comments section, as French Guiana once again caused a bit of a headache for a Geography quiz.

Double-Letter Best Picture Winners
I fear I may have to be harsh and say this was my least favourite quiz to play today: I am quite fussy about what films I like and don't like, and am unlikely to go trawling through the archives to find a classic from the 1930s. Would I sit through all of 'Gone With The Wind', for example? I doubt it. Have I ever watched so much as five minutes of the Oscars? Not to my knowledge.

What I will say, however, is that 'teedslaststand' appears to have hit upon a very funky colour scheme. It might not be the greatest quiz I've ever played, but it looks good. And that is often key in securing yourself a Publish, so budding Quiz Creators should take note.

Honorable Mentions
Word Ladder: Terry Malloy's Lament - 'zaphenath', you crack me up. It helps if you know your classic movie quotes for this one.
Missing Word: Movie Words Ending in 'S' - I somehow knew all of these, which I doubt was 'braverobot''s intention. Maybe it helped that a lot of these are quite recent? Hmm...
Quick Pick: 'F' World Landmarks - 'nopurplesky' is a master of the Daily Dose Publish, and once again the creation of a Quiz Series pays off for the Quiz Creator. As for the quiz itself: curse you, 'Franz Josef Glacier'!!!

Five days until I can unleash more quizzes on Sporcle! I've been creating a few since I reached my quota for January. Until tomorrow!

Thursday 26 January 2017

Thursday's Quizzes (26/01/17)

Oh, I am drowsy, but we persevere!

50 States, 50 Plates

Today's homepage featured some quizzes that were challenging, to put it mildly. This one by 'jr637' was one of them. Do I know all the US States? Yes. Do I know their outlines and nicknames when given to me on number plates I've never seen? I think we know. Let's keep moving before anyone finds out how badly I did...

Billboard #1 Singles (2016)

'Tenkmoves', you fiend. Just as we'd all got those catchy top hits out of our heads, you cram them right back in with this surprisingly tricky quiz. And then to top it off, you get your first Publish as a result. Adele's 'Hello' is lodged in my cranium, 'Tenkmoves'. I wonder how you sleep at night.

Pixar Movie by Shirt

Did it bore you to make this, 'BorezU'? Because it entertained the heck out of me. Yes, some of the t-shirts were obvious, but I nearly fell over laughing at the 'Finding Nemo' one, and the last answer is delightfully subtle. 'BorezU' has several Publishes under their belt, but we doubt any of them will be as popular as this.

Australian Cities: Real or Fake?

I... I don't even know where to begin with this one. Will anyone manage to get 100%? Why isn't there a town called Woop Woop? Did I do anything remotely Australian on Australia Day? Did I?!?

...dammit 'Scott'.

Countries by First and Last Letter III

'BanjoZebra', I like both your username and your style. This quiz is easy to begin, then becomes infuriating as you somehow miss obvious countries like the one that starts with 'N' and ends with 'Y'. You know what I'm talking about. Incidentally, 'BanjoZebra' has some serious publishing form: we're a big fan of their quiz on Headless Cartoon Characters.

Odd World Leader Out

Man, the Sporcle powers that be are liking their Multiple Choice History Quizzes this week. This one's by 'Nordic' (who appears to be a wolf, to be confirmed) and features some names that seem just too silly to be the ones of world leaders. This perhaps distracts you from the task of spotting the odd one out: a cunning scheme, 'Nordic'.

'One' Song Titles

Do you know how many of these quizzes Television Editor 'JoeBeta' has made? Forty three. Forty three quizzes about song titles. The playlist is daunting. Of course, if you create forty three quizzes, law of averages dictates that one will feature on the homepage: and let's be honest, seven months isn't too long to wait.

30 Simple Math Match-Ups

To my fellow Curator 'manonthemoon', I have to ask: how is a two-minute minefield quiz involving math allowed to be described as simple?!? By way of argument, it took 'TheCleverone' seven attempts to get 100%: and if the clever one is struggling, what chance do us numbskulls have? Still, it's delightful in its devilry, and some of my most successful quizzes are due to good advice from 'manonthemoon', so I guess I'll let it go this one time.

Iconic Scenes Behind the Scenes
An interesting concept by 'Propellerhead' (the Curator for Oscar), who not only gives us shots from famous movies, but gives us shots that include directors and camera crew. Who knew, for example, that there were so many mattresses involved in Star Wars V? The more you know.

Find Five 'E' Things
This is the sort of quiz where it's easy to score 90%, but very tricky to score 100%, on the first go. There's always an answer that sounds like it belongs in a different set, and 'eyes355' succeeded in tripping me up no less than five times. I imagine they'll have future success in doing that, as this seems to be a series of quizzes, many of which have already made their way onto the homepage.

Greatest Super Bowl Commericals by Clip

The editor for Miscellaneous, 'Hejman', is one of the big hitters when it comes to creating quizzes. You think you've made a good audio quiz? Prepare to be blown out of the water by 'Hejman', who has somehow managed to use SoundCloud to give their quizzes that extra boost in quality. I failed admirably at this, but it was worth it for the 'herding cats' commercial. That made me giggle a fair bit.

Honorable Mentions
Word Ladder - Sad Snapchat by 'Probo11' - neat colour scheme and reassuringly simple.
Missing Word - Classic Rock Artists by 'hermcrmy' - I was doing well until the Tom Petty answer reminded me of the Lonely Island song that features him. My bad.
Quick Pick - Nut or Bean by 'ZYX'. Bean there, nut too fond of the experience. I lie, this was fun :)

Where did I put my bed again? Must do sleep thing...

Wednesday 25 January 2017

Wednesday's Quizzes (25/01/17)

Hello there! Let's dive right in...

South America: North to South

Avast, 'Cutthroat', ye be making a fine quiz here! To think that a Geography puzzle involving just twelve answers could be so tricky. I took 8 goes to finish this one off. Eight! As Hans Moleman would say, "You just took away the last five minutes of my life and I want them back!" Nevertheless, this is the 67th Publish that 'Cutthroat' has received, and yet it has already received over 30,000 CQPs (Created Quiz Plays). That's more than all my CQPs put together!

Led Zeppelin Opening Lyrics

Who is the mysterious user, 'The'? How do they feel about their first ever Publish? Are they pleased that it's getting A Whole Lotta Love? Why don't I know more than half a dozen Led Zeppelin songs? I ask you.

'Mary Tyler Moore' Cast Photo

Oh, 2017: you were doing so well. No major celebrities had passed away: until now, it seems. In tribute, this quiz duly made the homepage, and involves working out both the names of the cast, and the names of their characters. Have I ever watched the Mary Tyler Moore show? Barely. So all things considered, we'll take the 5/12 score and move on: though not before mentioning 'sproutcm', who is something of a legend on Sporcle. If you haven't played one of his quizzes, you're probably lying.

2009 Movies by Poster

I'm a big fan of 'RobPro', former Editor of Geography on Sporcle, and he's created another fine quiz here: using only a fragment of its poster as a clue, you have to guess a good twenty or so movies, all from the fine, fine year of 2009. How many have I actually watched? Three. But one of those is Up, so I'm in the clear.

Right-Handed Images

How often do you look at your keyboard and think, "Man, I could type so many words with just my right hand"? Well, you'll be thinking that a lot more often after you're done with this quiz by 'bhenderson79', whose abilities both as a quizmaker and Editor of Science know no bounds. If you like Natural History, their quiz on the topic will be right up your street.

Animated TV Character Sort

There are three key elements to mastering the latest Published quiz by 'BoggelTeam':

  1. Know your Simpsons characters
  2. Know your Family Guy characters
  3. Know your South Park characters
This will then enable you to deduce that the other characters (of which I've barely heard) must be from Bob's Burgers. Job's a good 'un! Sadly, I had not quite mastered the three key elements, and kept getting Family Guy and South Park mixed up. In my defence, they're both very non-PC.

Unique Letter MLB Teams
See what I mean about 'sproutcm'? Seriously, getting published twice in one day is no mean feat. Nor is naming the six MLB teams that have unique letters at the start of their nickname. That is, if you know next to nowt about baseball. Look, I know the Cubs beat the Indians, that's worth something, right? *sobs*

Countries by Second Largest City
I'll be honest, this mammoth quiz by 'beanhead4529' has yet to be attempted by yours truly. I mean, naming 197 cities is HARD. But to name all 197 countries based on their second largest city? I imagine I would struggle to get more than 50% on this one. This is also the first Publish for 'beanhead4529': I wonder what their second biggest publish will turn out to be?

Let's Make Batman's Logo
In the comments, they claim to be Batman: but there's more to 'El_Dandy' than that. After all, they're the Editor for the 'Just For Fun' category, and the Curator for 'Movie Quotes' (here's looking at you, kid). With over 2 million CQPs under their belt, this is just another feather in the cap, but it's a very entertaining feather all the same. Your task? To know so much about Batman that you can make his logo WITH YOUR ANSWERS. Revel Batman fans. Revel in your geekiness.

'E' Vocabulary (Medium)
Some quizzes are published very shortly after being created. However, for 'beforever', the Editor for Geography, this one took a while to get noticed by the powers that be, having been created over four years ago. Knowing your definitions is key to mastering this, as well as understanding the difference between an epiglottis and and an espresso: namely, that serving customers an epiglottis will get you fired (at least).

A Million Times for Prime Minister
Ha! At last, my specialist knowledge pays off: having worked in Parliament, I know a fair thing or two about UK Political Party Leaders and their success (or lack thereof) at the polls. Thus, I felt rather smug at doing better than most on this quiz by 'teedslaststand', the Curator for Physics. In fact, at this moment in time, no-one has got 100%: not even 'teedslaststand' themselves! Perhaps they will find solace in having over 70 Publishes...

Country by Longtime Leader
Worried about how long Trump might be in power, America? Then consider the countries who feature on this quiz, as they found themselves under the rule of one man for multiple decades. Indeed, in the case of Zimbabwe, said man shows no signs of budging after 36 years! At least dear old Donald can't have more than eight years in the White House: a drop in the ocean compared to this slideshow of dictators. 'No_r_WAY' is no stranger to being Published, and can count this as their ninth quiz to feature on the homepage: a fine achievement.

Honourable Mentions
Word Ladder - Subliminal Message - I see what you did there, 'Mimbleton'. Nice use of emojis!
Missing Word - Movie Title Adjectives (A-Z) - This quiz by 'khands' could have made me angry, but it's no big deal, I'll play it cool.
Quick Pick - Around the World - Did I live in Sweden for six months? Yes, I did. Do I still get Swedish and Danish mixed up? Yes again. Curse you, 'babymonkee'!

Thanks for reading, and keep Sporcling!


Tuesday 24 January 2017

Tuesday's Quizzes (24/01/17)

Dear all,

Welcome to my blog on life as a Sporcler: that is, someone who plays enough Sporcle quizzes to consider themselves a devotee to all things Sporcle. To my knowledge, Sporcle does not mean anything, but it is full of many an entertaining quiz to keep one amused for hours.

As the Curator for the Subcategory Quote, I have the responsibility of finding quizzes that come under that category and, if they're good enough, it is my duty to give them a Curator's Pick, thus boosting their profile. Some of these may go on to get Editor's Picks and feature on the Category page: a few more may find themselves published on the Sporcle homepage. Impressive, no? After all this is a site where more than 2 billion quizzes have been played.

With this in mind, I have decided to broaden my horizons and play my way through all the Published quizzes that feature on the Sporcle homepage, starting with today. So let's dive in...

Africa Geography Bunker

I'll be honest. My knowledge of Africa is woeful. So this quiz by 'rolftheoaf' was a delight, as it only took me, er, seven attempts to get to the end of this particular bunker quiz (you have to get every answer right on a bunker quiz, or it's game over). It's also got a neat colour scheme, but green is my favourite colour, so there's some bias going on there. This is 'rolftheoaf'''s third publish, with all their published quizzes so far coming in Geography. Well, they are the Curator for North America...

A Rainbow of Mugs

What's not to love about mugs? Especially these ones, which are multi-coloured and with many a differing theme, from A Clockwork Orange to Spongebob Squarepants. It turns out I'd already played this one, but I certainly didn't mind having another crack. 'timmylemoine1' deserves great credit for their 140th publish, and I've really enjoyed playing their Mosaic quizzes, which are well worth a look.

3-Word '90s Movies II

I do like a good movie, but I would not consider myself a film buff, so this quiz by 'heatherksalem' made for a decent challenge. In it, you have to try and match the words from three separate columns to make a legitimate 90's movie. Sadly, Shakespeare in Seattle was not a correct answer, but I stand by my decision. This is 'heatherksalem''s 7th publish, and I think you'll agree it's magnificent!

Dr Seuss by Decade

This quiz by 'LTH' takes your knowledge of Dr Seuss' works to levels you never knew you had. Sure, you can name some of his works: but can you name one for each decade, I ask? In my case, the answer was a resounding no: only 2 out of 7. Forgive, me 'LTH': I have failed you. Then again, this Sporcler has seen their games played almost 30 million times, so I doubt they mind.

'G' in Science

Like my knowledge of Africa, Science is an area where I look like a fool. However, I fared slightly better on this quiz, and managed to get nine of the first ten questions right. Sadly, the second half was not a success, and I ended up getting 13 out of 20, though that does seem to be the average. Perhaps if Gallifrey was a real planet I'd have had more success. This is a series of Letters in Science quizzes by 'THEJMAN', so expect them to receive more publishes in future!

Connect 4: Common Bonds (A-Z) II

In this excellent quiz by 'Purple_Parrot', the aim is to observe the four words and work out what common theme links them together: for example, Attack/Horse/Police/Picture Frame could all be linked together by 'Mounted': you can mount an attack, you have mounted police, and so on. With well over a 100 published quizzes under their belt, 'Purple_Parrot' has a knack for getting their quizzes on the homepage, and rightfully so.

Who Was the Only President to...?

The Multiple Choice format has become something of a hit in recent weeks, with Sporclers finding that just because you have four options doesn't necessarily make the quiz easy. For instance, with this quiz by 'awesomeness365', to know about US Presidents and what they've done is not enough. Sometimes, you need to know what they haven't done: whether that's not getting married, or to have no political or military experience. This is the 11th publish for 'awesomeness365', who appears to have cracked the History category: this is their 3rd History publish in just over a month!

Harry Potter Family Relationship Click

Proving that being a Curator in one area does not limit your abilities to excel in another, the Doctor Who Curator 'FantasticBowTies' has come up with a marvelous Harry Potter quiz that puts you through your paces. Do you know who Aunt Marge's nephew is from a photo? What about Bellatrix Lestrange's sister? Whether you do or you don't, it's all relative! (That was terrible - Ed.)

The Words Not Mixed

This. This is the quiz that made my day. The great 'gazzso' (as they are known) has made a few of these quizzes, where you are faced with a blank double-page spread. Your task is to type words, starting with 'a', 'it', and so on. As you do this, the page becomes filled with words, but also with footnotes that seem somewhat scrambled. Your task? To unscramble them, type the unscrambled word, and reveal more of the poem that 'gazzso' has chosen. It is a thing of beauty, and one can only wonder how long the blasted thing must have taken to make.

Cities in Asia Match

Again, this quiz takes your knowledge to previously untested levels. So you can name some cities in Asia? That's impressive. But can you match five Asian cities to the correct country, eight times over? Because I couldn't do that even with a second attempt. 6 out of 8 was the best I could do, I'm afraid. 'ElPresidente_pan', you have bested me. Congratulations on your second publish!

FIFA World Cup Finalists by Official Language

That moment when you realise just how dominant German, Spanish and Portuguese are as languages in the world of football. 'wallstreet29ers' takes a quiz that, in theory, belongs in the Sports category and made it a Language quiz instead: such ingenuity should not go unpublished! Indeed, it's their first ever Publish, which makes it even more impressive.

Honorable Mentions

Geology II by 'cfxlspo' (Word Ladder) - I ran away screaming, but that's only because I am awful at Geology, not because it's a bad quiz.
Movie Sequel Taglines II by 'jvwald' (Missing Word) - A sequel to end all sequels, methinks...
'Harry Potter' Chapters II by 'tim_parr' (Quick Pick) - A good selection of chapters from the seven books in the series, this was my favourite of the three.

Thanks for reading, and keep Sporcling!

Chris (aka christopherjulia)