Monday 20 February 2017

Wednesday's Quizzes (15/02/17) and Thursday's Quizzes (16/02/17)

So many double-dosages, my friends. So many.


Wednesday's Quizzes (15/02/17)

Do You Have a 20/20 Vision?

To refer to my comment on this quiz when the great 'gazzso' initially launched it:

"This is a quiz so evil that Hell itself would spit it back out." 

Nevertheless, I nominated it because I knew a good quiz when I saw it. Great quizmakers do more than just make quizzes, they create new ideas, new styles. This is an optically frustrating humdinger of a challenge, and to give you a sense of how good it is: 'gazzso' released this just 12 days before it was Published. That's fast-tracking at its finest.

I-O-U These Images

Science Editor 'bhenderson79' is a regular guest on the Sporcle homepage but I'm pretty sure I've not reviewed a Language quiz by him yet. The use of the Picture Box format (a format that I've yet to even attempt using) is well done and it almost feels like a General Knowledge quiz rather than just knowing which words have 'i', 'o' and 'u' in them. I wonder 'y'...

20 Questions Wrong: Geography

Is this quiz more evil or less evil than the 20/20 Vision one, I wonder? It's a close call: knowing the right answer is both a help and a hindrance. It's almost better to know the wrong answer rather than the right one, and that goes against several years of learning that I appear to have under my belt. 'Tr4pD00r' (Curator for Asia and Flags) may have outdone himself with this one. Oh cruel quizzes, why do you mock me?

Also Published

Pick The Marine Mammals by 'Scuadrado' (Curator for Tranlsation and Geology)
World Language Sorting Blitz II by 'jyrops' (51st Publish)
City Profile: New York by 'Ben' (The former King of Sporcle, his Created Quiz Plays are over 62 million)
New York Times Crossword Editors by 'Qaqaq' (52nd Publish)
TV Shows on Planes by 'DIEGO1000' (First ever Publish!)
NFL 10,000 Receiving Yards, 80 TDs by 'Joshie_the_great' (3rd Publish)
Real or Fictional Sorting Gallery by 'QuizKnight' (3rd Publish)
3 Literature Threesomes II by 'sproutcm' (Current King of Sporcle)
Six-Letter Music A-Z by 'Flick' (Editor for Language and Curator for Valentine's Day)
Word Ladder: Fantastic Beasts by 'JeluPotter25' (Curator for Literary Character: second Publish!)
Missing Word: 'P' History Figures by 'khands' (Editor for Literature)
Quick Pick: It's a Guy Thing by 'BeerHound' (Curator for Slogans - they're grrrrrrrrrreat!)
On This Day: February 15th by 'SporcleEXP'

Thursday's Quizzes (16/02/17)

Animated TV Shows by Fighting Scene

Man, TV is violent. Especially when it comes to anime and cartoons: I guess it's because it's not *real*, maybe? Don't worry, kids, they're not real, therefore it's allllllll fine.

"Daddy, what's the red stuff coming out of kitty's ears?" - Rod Flanders
"Uh... that's just raspberry jam!" - Ned Flanders

Sure it is, Ned. Suuuuuure it is.

Was I meant to be reviewing this? Must have got distracted. I blame television. And 'timmylemoine1' for making this. Dammit Timmy!

Find the Dog Breeds

Man, is this quiz ruff. (Don't you judge me, I know you were thinking at least three dog puns the second you read the title of that quiz. One of them involved 'paws', didn't it?)

'Rackie' is arguably one of the most underrated quizmakers on Sporcle, and she secures her 15th Publish by giving us a quiz that reminds you how many breeds of dog there are. Like, a LOT. Some cuter than others, it has to be said. But none of them are Rap Gods like 'Rackie': guess they'll have to settle for being Rap Dogs...

Missing Letter: Biblical Names

Probably one of the best quizmakers who is neither a Curator, Editor, Moderator, Staff nor Admin: but arguably he should be at least one of them. New Zealand and proud, 'samc67' has 20 Publishes under his belt and this one uses the classic format of 'simple but cunning' that I particularly enjoy. Which letter's missing from '_urinius', or 'Hero_' for that matter? And do Biblical characters have umlauts on their names in German? Now there's a question...

Also Published
Odd But True Facts XIV by 'babymonkee' (Curator for Movies Titles)
Wiki Movies Picture Click by 'metashades' (Curator for Animation, Halloween and Religious Holiday)
Pick the Correct Movie Quote II by DesertSpartan (Editor for Music and Curator for March Madness)
'A' in Geography by 'RobPro' (Former Geography Editor)
10 Closest US Capitals to Tijuana by 'guilherme_4' (Curator for South America, Oceania and Typing)
Which Year? (1990s) by 'william2' (Curator for Gold and World Leaders)
Word Ladder: Road Trip! by 'DarrenMark' (2nd Publish)
Missing Word: 'M' Song Endings by 'caramba' (261 Publishes? Woah now)
Quick Pick: Movies with Nonlinear Narratives by 'KingPhoebus' (3rd Publish and 2nd Publish this week)
On This Day: February 16th by 'SporcleEXP'

One day, I will catch up with the schedule.

"But it is not this day!"

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