Thursday 9 February 2017

Tuesday's Quizzes (07/02/17)

Oof, I'm behind schedule. Frankly, I blame all these quizzes. They're hard to get away from!

Let's tuck in...

The Bible, Translated

Ugh, this guy...

Did I expect my second Publish to come so quickly after the first? No, no I did not. But it's pleasing to see it come in a category that doesn't have too many quizzes of its own: Religion has just over 6,500 quizzes compared to Sports' 151,000. It's also my first quiz published in the Classic format, which is a useful reminder to quizmakers that it's possible to keep the format simple and still have a winner on your hands. Curator for Verse 'HappyWife' deserves credit for noticing it in the first place, so thanks to her for that!

Countries After T
Pretty sure I've lauded 'eyes355' (Curator for Scripture) for their quizmaking skills before, and so help me, I'm going to do it again! This quiz is cunning: it makes you think it's easy by asking you to name countries that contain the letter 'T', but then throws you a curveball by insisting that you can only name one country for every different letter that directly follows that 'T'. Confused yet?

Put it this way: do you know the country that has a 'Y' directly after a 'T' in its name? Because if not, you ain't getting 100% no matter how many times you type Turkey...

Which Animation Studio?

'awesomeness365' (Curator for Blitz) appears to have a high opinion of themselves judging from their username, but as they've got twelve Publishes to my puny two, I'll let that slide for now. This is a clever use of the Multiple Choice Format, and will make you rage at the supposedly separate yet annoyingly similar Disney and Pixar franchises. It's a good thing Studio Ghibli and Dreamworks look a lot less similar, huh?

Clickable Golf Match
Fun fact: my late Gran was an excellent golfer and actually has a trophy named after her at a Golf Club in South-East London. Imagine what she'd say if she could see my score on this quiz! I don't know nearly enough golfers: I've watched it on occasion, but it's a fair way down the pecking order when it comes to Sports that get my attention (sorry, Gran). Incidentally, this is the 86th Publish that 'bazmerelda' has received: I'd like to say I'm catching her up, but we both know that's a lie.

Also Published

Science Books: The Subtitles by 'MoMosMoProblems'
'90s Song Title Endings by 'vocaloidemily'
Logic Punchboard by 'goc3'
Find the Rivers (US) by 'markassone'
Logos Through the Ages by 'WillieG'
Highest Grossing One-Word Movie Per Letter by 'Hejman'
Big 4 Sports Teams on TV Shows by 'Noldeh'
Word Ladder: Palindromes by 'Bawm79'
Missing Word: 'W' Authors by 'william2'
Quick Pick: 1-10 Sports Teams by 'JackDots

Wednesday's Quizzes coming up next!

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