Tuesday 7 February 2017

Monday's Quizzes (06/02/17)

I have dragged myself away from watching Lady Gaga's half-time show for the umpteenth time, to bring you some more reviews. Let's get stuck in!

Catchphrase to Character Picture Match
'hockeystix3' has quite the set of responsibilities, what with being Curator for both Percy Jackson and Year. Nevertheless, it doesn't stop them from creating great quizzes, as you'll discover when you do your level best to work out whether it was Joey Tribbiani or Barney Stinson who were known for saying "How you doin'?" The results promise to be legen... wait for it...

Movies With Typewriters

For something so old-fashioned and supposedly obsolete, typewriters have featured in an awful lot of movies: at least two dozen, on the evidence of this quiz. We reckon 'JoeBeta' (Editor for Television) must be a buff of both the silver screen and the small screen, because I only managed to recognise seven of these films, and I have been known to watch films on a regular basis for the twenty or so years. That's another seventeen flicks I'll have to add to the list, I guess...

According to Netflix: TV Sci-Fi & Fantasy

I hadn't come across 'jencon117' or their quizzes before, but with nearly 20 Publishes to their name, perhaps I should have done. (It turns out I inadvertently had: check this Doctor Who one out) This quiz highlights not just the growth of Netflix, but the abundance of Sci-Fi and Fantasy TV series that one can enjoy: I'd heard of most of these, but there's a good half-dozen or so that I've yet to properly sit down and enjoy. The Walking Dead's one of them, but I'm not good with horror, so that one might have to wait a little longer...

Also Published

Entertainment Speed-Picking by 'BillyJoelRulez'
'I' Boy Names by Decade by 'triplet_3'
Just the Red: Sports Logos by 'puckett86'
Absent Letter Elements by 'mrsmith'
Find the Countries of Asia by Capital by 'bhenderson79'
Grab Bag by Initials by 'PenguinsMeercats'
Word Ladder: Lycanthrope by 'vikZ'
Missing Word: '70s Music Acts (A-Z) by 'jar514'
Quick Pick: 'AC' Vocabulary (Hard) by 'beforever'

Apparently today was National Sami Day. If you don't know who the Sami people are, have a Google: they're worth reading up on!

And so to bed...

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