Saturday 18 February 2017

Monday's Quizzes (13/02/17) and Tuesday's Quizzes (14/02/17)

Another double bill? Well, aren't you spoilt of late. Let's get quizzing!

Monday's Quizzes (13/02/17)

Foreign-Born Population: Norway

Basically, my attempt to play this like a pro went something like this:

*types Finland*

"What? That can't be right."

*types Finland again to be sure*

"Really? Oh boy..."

This quiz by 'Geiiir' is cunning because you end up going through all the countries in the world out of desperation, realising you know next to nothing about immigration. Grrr.

Dinosaur Match-Up
Curator for Baseball and Singers (any baseball singers out there?) 'scole9179' is back in the reviews with a prehistoric quiz that was made in the 21st Century: work that one out if you will. Do you know all the dinosaurs even when their names have been split in two? Not that it'll bring them back if you do. Which is probably for the best...

The Bookshelf
Not for the first time, a quizmaker (in this case 'kfastic', Curator for Europe) has found a gap in my knowledge. Do I know some famous authors by name? Yes. Do I know them by their works? Mostly. Do I know what they look like?

Dammit dammit dammit dammit.

I hate this quiz. But also love it. It's complicated, okay?

Also Published
'Harry Potter' Start to Finish III by 'Thebiguglyalien' (Curator for Minefield and The Office)
Double Letter World Capitals on a Map by 'timmylemoine1' (Curator for South Park)
TV Shows by Tagline (2010s) by 'nopurplesky' (44th Publish)
One Minute Crossword III by 'Qaqaq' (52nd Publish)
Top Billed Actors on IMDb VI by 'BigAl1994' (Curator for Movie Characters and TV Show)
'T' Logos II by 'Quizmaster91' (29th Publish)
Within a Century? by 'Purple_Parrot' (Curator for Letter and Decade)
Word Ladder: Himalayan Haven by 'Tom_the_Terrible' (11th Publish)
Missing Word: Dog Movies (A-Z) by 'Rackie' (Curator for Computer and Best Picture)
Quick Pick: 'R' Elements by 'peterules54' (13th Publish)
On This Day: February 13th by 'SporcleEXP' (Admin: this is a new type of quiz, worth checking out)

Tuesday's Quizzes (14/02/17)

Also Valentine's Day, kind of a big deal for some, less so for others

Bad Valentine's Day Pick-Up Lines

'Tootsnsuch', thank you for giving me a giggle. Some of these chat-up lines (particularly the Nashville one) are awful, but they're hilariously awful. It's worth reading the comments after you've finished this quiz for added amusement. My particular favourite is this zinger:

"On a scale of 1 to America, how free are you tonight?"
"North Korea"

Graphic Novelized Movies
'Propellerhead', Curator for Oscar, you're in the wrong job. Why aren't you being paid bucketloads for making graphic novels about classic movies?!? Such a wasted opportunity...

Also, I need to watch more movies. Not recognising some of these was a little embarrassing, but scoring low on this quiz doesn't matter too much when it's so much fun to look at.

Europe: We're Surrounded!

Hmm, this quiz seems familiar: what's that? It's another one of mine? The Publishers of Sporcle have rather poor taste, it seems.

Jesting aside, this is probably one of the toughest quizzes I've made, and I'm still not completely happy with it. Borders are tricky blighters, and a quick scroll through the comments will tell you that quite a few people dispute, and continue to dispute, some of the countries that don't fit the criteria. At least the colour scheme's funky (you can thank 'kfastic' for that)...

TV Shows by Valentine's Day Scene
I always get a bit excited when I see that 'minshkins' has played one of my quizzes: they're an Admin on Sporcle, and the more you see playing your quizzes, the more you can be sure of a Publish coming your way. This is their 88th Publish and it's possibly the cutest just for the picture of Ralph Wiggum and Lisa Simpson at the start. I choo-choo-choose to endorse this quiz!

Also Published

Top Grossing 'B' Movies by 'Sheldon' (Curator for Pixar, Nominee and Box Office)
Quick True/False: World Capitals by 'LisaSimpsonOH' (Curator for Novel and Islam)
Pink-Themed Trivia by 'tim_parr' (Curator for Emmy)
Clickable Four-Letter Geology by 'smac17' (Curator for Rap)
Name a 21st Century Leader from... by 'hcd199' (Curator for Album)
Word Ladder: Sweet Treat by 'KingPhoebus' (3rd Publish)
Missing Word: Valentine's Day #1 Billboard Songs by 'giveupyet' (94th Publish)
Quick Pick: PS2 Games by 'Nietos' (9th Publish)
On This Day: February 14th by 'Sporcle EXP'

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