Friday 24 February 2017

Moving On Up, Literally!

Howdy folks,

Thanks to the excellent work of 'kfastic' we now have a brand spanking new website!

Here 'tis...

We hope you enjoy it!

That does effectively mean there won't be many more blog posts here, but you never know, I might witter on about my little life from time to time.

Thanks for reading.


Wednesday 22 February 2017

Friday's Quizzes (17/02/17)

Will I ever catch up? Well, I am a historian, so getting stuck in the past is my speciality...


'K' Cartoon Characters by Picture

'THEJMAN' (loud usernames!) is a curious quizmaker. Neither Curator nor Editor, his quizzes still have amassed a cool 9 million plays and over 200 Publishes. Some might call that insane, but 'THEJMAN' ignores such claims of madness and simply keeps churning out the good stuff with this quiz on cartoon characters. Who knew there were so many beginning with K? And who knew that at least 3 out of 16 of them die?

Uh, spoiler alert.

States That Border Oklahoma

That rascal 'scole9179' just doesn't know when to get off the Homepage, with a 'Crazy Ivan' (a Publish in every category) surely not too far away. This one in Geography is quick but tricky, but the thing that really makes it is the picture Sporcle decided to put next to it (all Published quizzes get a fun picture, because of reasons). You may want to watch this scene from Dirty Rotten Scoundrels to truly appreciate it.

Pixelated Movie Posters
My eyes hurt.

(Yeah, that's right 'rockgolf', that's all you're getting. I hope you're happy, former Music Editor and one of the few Sporclers with a badge named after them because they're that damn good. *shakes fist)

Also Published

Musician Nickname Match-Up by 'pdigoe'

If it hadn't been for 'pdigoe', I'd have been Published a long time ago.
Where did you come from?
Where did you go?
Where did you come from, 'pdigoe'?

Directed to Oscar Greatness
by 'DarkPhalanx'

I'm not sure how I didn't know about 'DarkPhalanx'. I mean, this quiz is only their 96th Publish...

Populous Cities: South America by ' aquascape'

Same goes for 'aquascape', who has well over 60. I may have tried counting them. I may have lost count too.

Missing Colours: Multiple Choice II by 'ElDandy'

He's dandy!
He's handy!
He's hopefully not randy!

(Boy, that escalated quickly)

Vocabulary Blitz XXIX 
by 'iglew'

Do you think 'iglew' found a winning formula with this series? I wonder.

2017 NBA All-Stars by 'Gangsterls'

Just the third Publish for... *looks at profile pic*... BOB DYLAN?!?

Daily Dose
Word Ladder: Staring Contest by 'Probo11'
Missing Word: Cary Grant by 'Hejman'
Quick Pick: Tree Fruit by 'gazzso'
On This Day: February 17th by 'Sporcle EXP'

Special Announcement

I'm hoping to do some slightly different blog posts that may feature other Sporclers in the not too distant future! The first one of this kind is going to be called 'My First Publish', so if you'd like to feature, just message me on Sporcle and tell me about your first Published quiz.

What category was it? How did you come up with it? How long did it take to make? Did you expect it to be the success that it was? And what did you learn from it being Published?

Let me know!

Thanks for reading,


Monday 20 February 2017

Wednesday's Quizzes (15/02/17) and Thursday's Quizzes (16/02/17)

So many double-dosages, my friends. So many.


Wednesday's Quizzes (15/02/17)

Do You Have a 20/20 Vision?

To refer to my comment on this quiz when the great 'gazzso' initially launched it:

"This is a quiz so evil that Hell itself would spit it back out." 

Nevertheless, I nominated it because I knew a good quiz when I saw it. Great quizmakers do more than just make quizzes, they create new ideas, new styles. This is an optically frustrating humdinger of a challenge, and to give you a sense of how good it is: 'gazzso' released this just 12 days before it was Published. That's fast-tracking at its finest.

I-O-U These Images

Science Editor 'bhenderson79' is a regular guest on the Sporcle homepage but I'm pretty sure I've not reviewed a Language quiz by him yet. The use of the Picture Box format (a format that I've yet to even attempt using) is well done and it almost feels like a General Knowledge quiz rather than just knowing which words have 'i', 'o' and 'u' in them. I wonder 'y'...

20 Questions Wrong: Geography

Is this quiz more evil or less evil than the 20/20 Vision one, I wonder? It's a close call: knowing the right answer is both a help and a hindrance. It's almost better to know the wrong answer rather than the right one, and that goes against several years of learning that I appear to have under my belt. 'Tr4pD00r' (Curator for Asia and Flags) may have outdone himself with this one. Oh cruel quizzes, why do you mock me?

Also Published

Pick The Marine Mammals by 'Scuadrado' (Curator for Tranlsation and Geology)
World Language Sorting Blitz II by 'jyrops' (51st Publish)
City Profile: New York by 'Ben' (The former King of Sporcle, his Created Quiz Plays are over 62 million)
New York Times Crossword Editors by 'Qaqaq' (52nd Publish)
TV Shows on Planes by 'DIEGO1000' (First ever Publish!)
NFL 10,000 Receiving Yards, 80 TDs by 'Joshie_the_great' (3rd Publish)
Real or Fictional Sorting Gallery by 'QuizKnight' (3rd Publish)
3 Literature Threesomes II by 'sproutcm' (Current King of Sporcle)
Six-Letter Music A-Z by 'Flick' (Editor for Language and Curator for Valentine's Day)
Word Ladder: Fantastic Beasts by 'JeluPotter25' (Curator for Literary Character: second Publish!)
Missing Word: 'P' History Figures by 'khands' (Editor for Literature)
Quick Pick: It's a Guy Thing by 'BeerHound' (Curator for Slogans - they're grrrrrrrrrreat!)
On This Day: February 15th by 'SporcleEXP'

Thursday's Quizzes (16/02/17)

Animated TV Shows by Fighting Scene

Man, TV is violent. Especially when it comes to anime and cartoons: I guess it's because it's not *real*, maybe? Don't worry, kids, they're not real, therefore it's allllllll fine.

"Daddy, what's the red stuff coming out of kitty's ears?" - Rod Flanders
"Uh... that's just raspberry jam!" - Ned Flanders

Sure it is, Ned. Suuuuuure it is.

Was I meant to be reviewing this? Must have got distracted. I blame television. And 'timmylemoine1' for making this. Dammit Timmy!

Find the Dog Breeds

Man, is this quiz ruff. (Don't you judge me, I know you were thinking at least three dog puns the second you read the title of that quiz. One of them involved 'paws', didn't it?)

'Rackie' is arguably one of the most underrated quizmakers on Sporcle, and she secures her 15th Publish by giving us a quiz that reminds you how many breeds of dog there are. Like, a LOT. Some cuter than others, it has to be said. But none of them are Rap Gods like 'Rackie': guess they'll have to settle for being Rap Dogs...

Missing Letter: Biblical Names

Probably one of the best quizmakers who is neither a Curator, Editor, Moderator, Staff nor Admin: but arguably he should be at least one of them. New Zealand and proud, 'samc67' has 20 Publishes under his belt and this one uses the classic format of 'simple but cunning' that I particularly enjoy. Which letter's missing from '_urinius', or 'Hero_' for that matter? And do Biblical characters have umlauts on their names in German? Now there's a question...

Also Published
Odd But True Facts XIV by 'babymonkee' (Curator for Movies Titles)
Wiki Movies Picture Click by 'metashades' (Curator for Animation, Halloween and Religious Holiday)
Pick the Correct Movie Quote II by DesertSpartan (Editor for Music and Curator for March Madness)
'A' in Geography by 'RobPro' (Former Geography Editor)
10 Closest US Capitals to Tijuana by 'guilherme_4' (Curator for South America, Oceania and Typing)
Which Year? (1990s) by 'william2' (Curator for Gold and World Leaders)
Word Ladder: Road Trip! by 'DarrenMark' (2nd Publish)
Missing Word: 'M' Song Endings by 'caramba' (261 Publishes? Woah now)
Quick Pick: Movies with Nonlinear Narratives by 'KingPhoebus' (3rd Publish and 2nd Publish this week)
On This Day: February 16th by 'SporcleEXP'

One day, I will catch up with the schedule.

"But it is not this day!"

Saturday 18 February 2017

Monday's Quizzes (13/02/17) and Tuesday's Quizzes (14/02/17)

Another double bill? Well, aren't you spoilt of late. Let's get quizzing!

Monday's Quizzes (13/02/17)

Foreign-Born Population: Norway

Basically, my attempt to play this like a pro went something like this:

*types Finland*

"What? That can't be right."

*types Finland again to be sure*

"Really? Oh boy..."

This quiz by 'Geiiir' is cunning because you end up going through all the countries in the world out of desperation, realising you know next to nothing about immigration. Grrr.

Dinosaur Match-Up
Curator for Baseball and Singers (any baseball singers out there?) 'scole9179' is back in the reviews with a prehistoric quiz that was made in the 21st Century: work that one out if you will. Do you know all the dinosaurs even when their names have been split in two? Not that it'll bring them back if you do. Which is probably for the best...

The Bookshelf
Not for the first time, a quizmaker (in this case 'kfastic', Curator for Europe) has found a gap in my knowledge. Do I know some famous authors by name? Yes. Do I know them by their works? Mostly. Do I know what they look like?

Dammit dammit dammit dammit.

I hate this quiz. But also love it. It's complicated, okay?

Also Published
'Harry Potter' Start to Finish III by 'Thebiguglyalien' (Curator for Minefield and The Office)
Double Letter World Capitals on a Map by 'timmylemoine1' (Curator for South Park)
TV Shows by Tagline (2010s) by 'nopurplesky' (44th Publish)
One Minute Crossword III by 'Qaqaq' (52nd Publish)
Top Billed Actors on IMDb VI by 'BigAl1994' (Curator for Movie Characters and TV Show)
'T' Logos II by 'Quizmaster91' (29th Publish)
Within a Century? by 'Purple_Parrot' (Curator for Letter and Decade)
Word Ladder: Himalayan Haven by 'Tom_the_Terrible' (11th Publish)
Missing Word: Dog Movies (A-Z) by 'Rackie' (Curator for Computer and Best Picture)
Quick Pick: 'R' Elements by 'peterules54' (13th Publish)
On This Day: February 13th by 'SporcleEXP' (Admin: this is a new type of quiz, worth checking out)

Tuesday's Quizzes (14/02/17)

Also Valentine's Day, kind of a big deal for some, less so for others

Bad Valentine's Day Pick-Up Lines

'Tootsnsuch', thank you for giving me a giggle. Some of these chat-up lines (particularly the Nashville one) are awful, but they're hilariously awful. It's worth reading the comments after you've finished this quiz for added amusement. My particular favourite is this zinger:

"On a scale of 1 to America, how free are you tonight?"
"North Korea"

Graphic Novelized Movies
'Propellerhead', Curator for Oscar, you're in the wrong job. Why aren't you being paid bucketloads for making graphic novels about classic movies?!? Such a wasted opportunity...

Also, I need to watch more movies. Not recognising some of these was a little embarrassing, but scoring low on this quiz doesn't matter too much when it's so much fun to look at.

Europe: We're Surrounded!

Hmm, this quiz seems familiar: what's that? It's another one of mine? The Publishers of Sporcle have rather poor taste, it seems.

Jesting aside, this is probably one of the toughest quizzes I've made, and I'm still not completely happy with it. Borders are tricky blighters, and a quick scroll through the comments will tell you that quite a few people dispute, and continue to dispute, some of the countries that don't fit the criteria. At least the colour scheme's funky (you can thank 'kfastic' for that)...

TV Shows by Valentine's Day Scene
I always get a bit excited when I see that 'minshkins' has played one of my quizzes: they're an Admin on Sporcle, and the more you see playing your quizzes, the more you can be sure of a Publish coming your way. This is their 88th Publish and it's possibly the cutest just for the picture of Ralph Wiggum and Lisa Simpson at the start. I choo-choo-choose to endorse this quiz!

Also Published

Top Grossing 'B' Movies by 'Sheldon' (Curator for Pixar, Nominee and Box Office)
Quick True/False: World Capitals by 'LisaSimpsonOH' (Curator for Novel and Islam)
Pink-Themed Trivia by 'tim_parr' (Curator for Emmy)
Clickable Four-Letter Geology by 'smac17' (Curator for Rap)
Name a 21st Century Leader from... by 'hcd199' (Curator for Album)
Word Ladder: Sweet Treat by 'KingPhoebus' (3rd Publish)
Missing Word: Valentine's Day #1 Billboard Songs by 'giveupyet' (94th Publish)
Quick Pick: PS2 Games by 'Nietos' (9th Publish)
On This Day: February 14th by 'Sporcle EXP'

Friday 17 February 2017

Saturday's Quizzes (11/02/17) and Sunday's Quizzes (12/02/17)

You go on holiday to Vienna for four days and you come back to one heck of a backlog. Oh boy. Here goes!

Saturday's Quizzes (11/02/17)

Hidden Neighbours of New York

Curator for Rap, 'smac17', has done something so evil that I'm surprised Trump's not screaming about it: they've hidden several states, and only the clicks of a mouse can bring them back! Do you know your Connecticut from your Massachusetts? I sure hope so...

Countries by Capital: South America

Curator for Play and Children's Books, 'PrincessMartell' is not quite so evil, but beware the apparent easiness of this Multiple Choice quiz. I appear to be forever doomed to confuse Colombia and Venezuela. Whyyyyy. Oh well, at least the Doctor Who quizzes by this quizmaker will cheer me up.

See or Sea?

I see what you did there, 'NYYanks' (Editor for Sport). Or is it 'I sea what you did there'? Is it seaworthy or seeworthy? See-saw or sea-saw? Argh! Aaaaaaaargh!

(Fun quiz though)

Also Published

Code Cracker! II by 'hockeystix3' (Curator for Percy Jackson and Year)
NFL #1 Draft Picks (2000s) by 'minshkins' (Admin)
Invisible Best Picture Winners by 'Spacemaniac' (134 Publishes)
The Turing Test by 'QuantumRise' (Curator for This or That)
Movies 'Starring Titles' III by 'BigAl1994' (Curator for TV Show and Movie Characters)
Word Ladder: Obscure February 11th Holiday by 'jakethegoldfish' (Curator for Author)
Missing Word: 1990s TV Shows IV by 'lpanjini' (Staff and Moderator)
Quick Pick: Best-Selling Video Games by Console by 'El_Dandy' (Just For Fun Editor and Curator for Movies Quotes)

Sunday's Quizzes (12/02/17)

Big 4 Logos Collage

What. A. First Publish you have on your hands here, 'smith94'. Seriously. I don't even watch that much of the Big 4 sports and I love this. It probably took an age to make, and that's why it's so deserving of the praise I'm lavishing on it. I just... hot damn.

*files under 'Quiz of the Year' category*

Countries Ending  in 'A' not 'IA' per Letter

The King of Sporcle is not one to stay off the homepage for long. This is a fiendish Geography quiz, that makes you try to think of some countries whilst trying not to think of others.

"Serbia can't be serious?"

"I am serious, and don't call me Serbia"

Challenging without being impossible, eh? Well played, 'sproutcm'.

Mixed Religious Symbols

'chaosBEE' has a knack for creating visual quizzes that don't get overly complicated, their Venn diagram quizzes being a case in point. This quiz requires you to not only know religious symbols, but to know them when they've been spliced together to create a... er... mecha-religion? Optimus Shrine? I'm not sure how to describe them without enraging half the globe, so let's wrap up quick!

Also Published
Almost Useless Celebrity Trivia II by 'puppypuppy22' (First Publish, seems to have vanished since making this one)
Shoot the Moon by 'katlikescats' (First Publish and surprisingly fun for a card quiz)
US States Leapfrog by 'mattdb' (First Publish and a fun concept but slightly patronising)
Movie Words Quintet IV by 'Larryholmes79' (Curator for Actor)
Magnificent Music Murals (Men) by 'hatefulmissy' (Seriously, go play her quizzes right now)
World Leaders Quick 7-to-1 by 'samc67' (20th Publish, there's more where that came from)
Word Leader: Eighth Sign of the Chinese Zodiac by 'Year_of_Glad' (Staff and Moderator)
Missing Word: Canadian Actors and Actresses by 'beforever' (Geography Editor)
Quick Pick: 'Rogue One' Characters by 'Treverbeast454' (Curator for Star Wars and St Patrick's Day - gosh that's a fun double-job to have)

Can I somehow crank out another double-day review before tomorrow? Stay tuned!

Saturday 11 February 2017

Friday's Quizzes (11/02/17)

Hello there! Back from a fun (but gloomy) day out at Oxford, it's back to the matter at hand...

Disease or Mineral?

This is the first Publish for a new Curator on the block: 'JeluPotter25', Curator for Literary Character, and a good friend of mine (we became Curators around the same time). This quiz is something of a curveball, as most of their quizzes stem from the Literature or Gaming categories, but it's a welcome diversion as this is definitely one of the trickiest they've made. Especially if you don't know your minerals...

'New' States Multiple Choice
Editor for Music, 'DesertSpartan', is a Sporcler with over 3 million CQPs (compared to my 100,000 thousand) and definitely comes into the category of "Big Hitters". This quiz aptly demonstrates why, with the four US states with 'New' in their name put you through your paces. Do you know which one became a state first, or which one's the biggest by area? Because if not, full marks may well evade you for some time...

What's in a Shakespearean Name?
The multi-tasking abilities of 'pdigoe' are quite something: one of the few Curators to preside over three different subcategories (National Holiday, Show and Sports Teams in case you were wondering), they're also capable of making some fine quizzes like this one on the definitions that some names have acquired. Do you know which name also means the client of a prostitute? And, perhaps more questioningly, why do you know that?

Find the 'A' Countries
I'll keep my review on this quiz by 'teedslaststand' brief.

I will find you, Antigua and Barbuda. And I will kill you.

Also Published

Oscar Nominees (2016) by 'Sheldon' (Curator for Pixar, Nominee and Box Office)
Animated Movies of the Last 25 Years by 'lolshortee' (A well-known Admin)
30 Second SPORCLE Blitz: Presidential Names by 'sproutcm' (Arguably the top Sporcle Quizmaker)
Books About Racism: Fill in the Title by 'metashades' (Curator for Animation, Halloween and Religious Holiday - maybe Curators who have three subcategories aren't as rare as I thought)
TV's Second Golden Age: Characters From TV Comedies by 'tim_parr' (Curator for Emmy)
What Are They Looking At? by 'Hejman' (Editor for Miscellaneous and a well-known Moderator)
Word Ladder: Morning Ritual by '15gipsona' (First Publish)
Missing Word: Music & Movies (R) by 'manonthemoon' (Curator for Premier League)
Quick Pick: 'C' Capitals by 'Chenchilla' (Curator for Alphabet and Logo)

Have you tried blogging whilst also watching Match of the Day? I doubt I'll be multi-tasking for three subcategories anytime soon...

Thanks for reading!

Friday 10 February 2017

Thursday's Quizzes (09/02/17)

My brother turned 19 on Thursday. This shouldn't make me feel old, but oh boy...

Movies At the Half-Hour Mark

Before I talk about the quiz, go to the profile page of 'Year_of_Glad' and read their bio. It's particularly hilarious if you know your Simpsons Quotes.

Aaand we're back. This is a quiz that will call your bluff if you claim to have seen a movie but didn't actually watch it properly, as the assortment of movie scenes at 30 minutes in is random at best. That being said, if you don't guess which one is 'Ghostbusters', we can't be friends.

Minimalist Cartoons

I've not come across 'Stanford0008' too often, but they've clearly had a big impact on the site with 36 Publishes and nearly 3.5 million Created Quiz Plays. This is a clever quiz with well-known Film and TV characters turned into near-unrecognisable blocks of colour. If you recognise them all, you'll do better than me: I somehow failed to spot the last three characters were from Wreck-It Ralph. I may need fixing, Felix!

Mirrored Europe

Imagine the continent of Europe inverted on an axis, if you will. Would you still know your Andorra from your Albania, or your Serbia from your Slovakia? 'petenge', Curator for Judaism, challenges you to prove this with a quiz that will make you look twice at a globe and think, "That can't be right..."

Race to Statehood A-Z

Curator for 'Young Adult' and 'Church', '11Joe28', has paid my quizzes compliments, so why wouldn't I pay him back in full? This is a quiz that takes the slightly worn-down concept of State quizzes and gives it a reboot by making you consider: which ones got made a state first? Of course, in the case of letters such as 'F', 'G' and 'H', it's a no-brainer, but 'N' and 'M' might just leave you furrowing your brow for a while. I'm pretty sure it's one of the best History quizzes I've played this year.

9-Letter Animals by Image by 'RobPro' (Former Geography Editor)
Agatha Christie Novels by Any Word by 'xantspectro' (Curator for Automobiles and Thanksgiving)
Country by 3 States II by 'nspyred' (Curator for Numbers)
Gaming Anagrams by 'beforever' (Current Geography Editor)
Harry Potter Mis-Matches by 'CCCP' (93rd Publish)
The Following Program is Not Suitable for Children by 'Tolkienite' (32nd Publish)
Word Ladder: Laundry Detergents by 'Magnavox' (whose quizzes are well worth a look)
British TV Comedy Shows (A-Z) by 'kfastic' (again, an outstanding quizmaker)
Quick Pick: Computer Terms by 'PrincessMartell' (check out her Doctor Who quizzes)

A good friend of mine features in Friday's Quizzes review, coming soon!

Thanks for reading, now it's time for this man to start sleeping...

Thursday 9 February 2017

Wednesday's Quizzes (08/02/17)

Bands With Lead Singers Removed

'hcd199', the Curator for Album, has an intriguing puzzle for you: can you recognise even the most famous of bands without their lead singer being in the picture? Did you even know the band if the lead singer had been in the picture? The quality of the pictures is perhaps a slight hint, but this definitely falls into the 'tricky quiz' category. Not that I didn't enjoy playing it: this one's a visual treat and I eagerly await a sequel!

Books Cut Off at B

The maker of this quiz, 'kristink', seems to be somewhat inactive, but we hope she comes back and makes more quizzes, because the idea for this one is fantastic. Giving you a set of incomplete titles, with each one being cut short at the first inclusion of the letter 'B', the answers go from easily guessable to head-scratchingly tricky. With any luck, 'kristink' will return and finish the series!

Map of the USA in 1860

As Curator for Baseball and Singer, 'scole9179' already has a fair spread of knowledge under his belt, but he's spread it further with a quiz that shows just how much the USA has changed in the last 150 years or so. Who knew part of the States was labelled 'Unorganized Territory'? Alright, stop snickering at the back...

Mini Memory Game

I won't say much about this game by 'Pasi97', except this. It's fun. Also evil. A sort of evil fun, if you will. You'll see what I mean the second you play!

Also Published

Top 20 Cities of Poland on a Map by 'DingoDongo'
Pokemon Typing Challenge (Gen I) by 'Thebiguglyalien'
30 in 60: World Landmarks by 'emilymarie07'
TV Shows Missing a Letter by 'bhenderson79'
Big 4 Athletes in the Wrong Uniforms II by 'El_Dandy'
Sports by Numbers II by 'Flick'
5-Star Box Office Actors II by 'manonthemoon'
Word Ladder: Cats by 'Uglebrunst'
Missing Word: Best Picture Losers by 'cfxlspo'
Quick Pick: Emmy-Winning Dramas by 'sproutcm'

Thursday's quizzes will be reviewed: when my eyes stay open properly. Bed time!

Thanks for reading :)

Tuesday's Quizzes (07/02/17)

Oof, I'm behind schedule. Frankly, I blame all these quizzes. They're hard to get away from!

Let's tuck in...

The Bible, Translated

Ugh, this guy...

Did I expect my second Publish to come so quickly after the first? No, no I did not. But it's pleasing to see it come in a category that doesn't have too many quizzes of its own: Religion has just over 6,500 quizzes compared to Sports' 151,000. It's also my first quiz published in the Classic format, which is a useful reminder to quizmakers that it's possible to keep the format simple and still have a winner on your hands. Curator for Verse 'HappyWife' deserves credit for noticing it in the first place, so thanks to her for that!

Countries After T
Pretty sure I've lauded 'eyes355' (Curator for Scripture) for their quizmaking skills before, and so help me, I'm going to do it again! This quiz is cunning: it makes you think it's easy by asking you to name countries that contain the letter 'T', but then throws you a curveball by insisting that you can only name one country for every different letter that directly follows that 'T'. Confused yet?

Put it this way: do you know the country that has a 'Y' directly after a 'T' in its name? Because if not, you ain't getting 100% no matter how many times you type Turkey...

Which Animation Studio?

'awesomeness365' (Curator for Blitz) appears to have a high opinion of themselves judging from their username, but as they've got twelve Publishes to my puny two, I'll let that slide for now. This is a clever use of the Multiple Choice Format, and will make you rage at the supposedly separate yet annoyingly similar Disney and Pixar franchises. It's a good thing Studio Ghibli and Dreamworks look a lot less similar, huh?

Clickable Golf Match
Fun fact: my late Gran was an excellent golfer and actually has a trophy named after her at a Golf Club in South-East London. Imagine what she'd say if she could see my score on this quiz! I don't know nearly enough golfers: I've watched it on occasion, but it's a fair way down the pecking order when it comes to Sports that get my attention (sorry, Gran). Incidentally, this is the 86th Publish that 'bazmerelda' has received: I'd like to say I'm catching her up, but we both know that's a lie.

Also Published

Science Books: The Subtitles by 'MoMosMoProblems'
'90s Song Title Endings by 'vocaloidemily'
Logic Punchboard by 'goc3'
Find the Rivers (US) by 'markassone'
Logos Through the Ages by 'WillieG'
Highest Grossing One-Word Movie Per Letter by 'Hejman'
Big 4 Sports Teams on TV Shows by 'Noldeh'
Word Ladder: Palindromes by 'Bawm79'
Missing Word: 'W' Authors by 'william2'
Quick Pick: 1-10 Sports Teams by 'JackDots

Wednesday's Quizzes coming up next!

Tuesday 7 February 2017

Monday's Quizzes (06/02/17)

I have dragged myself away from watching Lady Gaga's half-time show for the umpteenth time, to bring you some more reviews. Let's get stuck in!

Catchphrase to Character Picture Match
'hockeystix3' has quite the set of responsibilities, what with being Curator for both Percy Jackson and Year. Nevertheless, it doesn't stop them from creating great quizzes, as you'll discover when you do your level best to work out whether it was Joey Tribbiani or Barney Stinson who were known for saying "How you doin'?" The results promise to be legen... wait for it...

Movies With Typewriters

For something so old-fashioned and supposedly obsolete, typewriters have featured in an awful lot of movies: at least two dozen, on the evidence of this quiz. We reckon 'JoeBeta' (Editor for Television) must be a buff of both the silver screen and the small screen, because I only managed to recognise seven of these films, and I have been known to watch films on a regular basis for the twenty or so years. That's another seventeen flicks I'll have to add to the list, I guess...

According to Netflix: TV Sci-Fi & Fantasy

I hadn't come across 'jencon117' or their quizzes before, but with nearly 20 Publishes to their name, perhaps I should have done. (It turns out I inadvertently had: check this Doctor Who one out) This quiz highlights not just the growth of Netflix, but the abundance of Sci-Fi and Fantasy TV series that one can enjoy: I'd heard of most of these, but there's a good half-dozen or so that I've yet to properly sit down and enjoy. The Walking Dead's one of them, but I'm not good with horror, so that one might have to wait a little longer...

Also Published

Entertainment Speed-Picking by 'BillyJoelRulez'
'I' Boy Names by Decade by 'triplet_3'
Just the Red: Sports Logos by 'puckett86'
Absent Letter Elements by 'mrsmith'
Find the Countries of Asia by Capital by 'bhenderson79'
Grab Bag by Initials by 'PenguinsMeercats'
Word Ladder: Lycanthrope by 'vikZ'
Missing Word: '70s Music Acts (A-Z) by 'jar514'
Quick Pick: 'AC' Vocabulary (Hard) by 'beforever'

Apparently today was National Sami Day. If you don't know who the Sami people are, have a Google: they're worth reading up on!

And so to bed...

Monday 6 February 2017

Sunday's Quizzes (05/02/17)

Man, that Super Bowl was something else. I even understood what was going on (mostly)!

Now back to the quizzes...


AS YOU CAN SEE, THIS QUIZ HAS A TENDENCY TO... whoops, best take it down a notch or the librarians will have my blood. I was already aware of this gem as I'd given it a Curator's Pick for Quote a few days ago, and thought it was hilarious but also well designed. It's not normal for a quiz to go from a Curator's Pick to a Publish so quickly (especially without getting an Editor's Pick in between), but according to its creator Dan (aka 'Tr4pd00r'), he'd noticed edits to it some time before I Picked it. So if you notice your quiz looking a little different, don't worry: it's a good thing!

Multi-Category Minefield Blitz XVI

I don't claim to know much about the creator of this quiz, 'MSpitzig' of Florida, but they clearly have found their strength and stuck to it. All nine of their Publishes are from this series of theirs, which puts your clicking and sightreading abilities to the test. Is Bronx a lake or a New York district? Is it Noun or Neon for Noble Gases? Why don't I know these things? Argh! Aaaaargh!

Born in the USA? II
No, it's not the B-side to a Bruce Springsteen single, but rather an entertaining Entertainment quiz by 'mpool793', which will enlighten you to the birthplaces of some of your favourite celebrities. Are you sure Keanu Reeves was born in the US and not elsewhere? Okay, if you say so... *hums conspicuously*

Also Published

The Iceland Quiz by 'asae'
Nobel Laureate Sorting by 'Cutthroat'
Click the Isogram States by 'El_Dandy' (this was nearly my third favourite, well worth a play)
30 Two-Word 'T' Musicians Match-Up by 'braverobot'
Super Bowl LI (Patriots vs. Falcons) by 'SporcleEXP' (an account used by Sporcle staff)
Who Tweeted Whom? (Video Games) by 'Thebiguglyalien'
Ends With 'ANDER' by 'bareodin2'
'50s Timeline Picture Click by 'Hejman'
Word Ladder: Disney Toon by 'sproutcm'
Missing Word: Detroit Movies by 'zalkon2004'
Quick Pick: Champion Coaches (NCAAM) by 'ChargingTiger'

I might do a little feature on my role as a Curator tomorrow, but expect Monday's quizzes to get a review shortly.

Thanks for reading!

Saturday 4 February 2017

Friday's Quizzes (03/02/17) and Saturday's Quizzes (04/02/17)

What happens when your reviewer accidentally falls asleep before doing his blog post?

You get a double bill of quiz reviews the following day, you lucky things!

Friday's Quizzes

Sports Teams by Cake II

These are quite impressive cakes on their own, so 'minshkins' could have made a mess of the questions and answers and still would have made an excellent quiz. I strongly advise against taking this quiz on an empty stomach: you won't reach the end without dashing off to the bakery in anticipation! Make sure you brush up on your American sports teams from the "Big Four", too.

Freeze Frame TV Ladder

Sadly, 'bhenderson79' does not star in any of the TV shows that feature in this quiz, but he frequently stars on the frontpage of Sporcle. With efforts like this, it's not hard to see why: the Word Ladder format is a concept that's almost been worn into the ground, but when combined with the Map format (which allows you to put your answers on an image of the quizmaker's design) it becomes ingenious. There's also a decent mix of old classics and more recent serials, from I Love Lucy to Last Week Tonight with John Oliver.

Movie by Home
The Curator for Actor, 'Larryholmes79', has a knack for making outstanding Movies quizzes. In fact, all but two of his many, many Publishes stem from that category. I personally think this one is right up there with the best of them because of how simple the concept is. It's still a challenge to name all the homes (especially if you've not seen such classics as Beetlejuice and North by Northwest), but the entertainment value isn't devalued in the slightest.

Also Published
Pacific Countries (Americas) by 'Cutthroat'
New England Patriots' Super Bowl Opponents by 'BVHodges'
1-10 Letter O Words by 'sproutcm'
50 Flicks to Click by 'MSUKent'
Where Is That City? II by 'geronimostilton'
Collectors' Collections by 'PrincessMartell'
Beastie Boys Members by 'CupidDeLocke'
Word Ladder: 1959 Hitmakers by 'rer2121'
Missing Word: 'Moving Songs' by 'FreeWorld85'
Quick Pick: Should I 'Stay' Or Should I 'Go'? by 'El_Dandy'

Saturday's Quizzes

The Last Word: Canadian Acts
Who knew all these musicians and bands came from Canada, eh? Language Editor 'Flick' certainly did, and challenges you to finish an impressive collection of their songs. Alas, my knowledge of Canadian musicians and their back catalogues needs some work, but don't let my poor score put you off playing this: it's a treat.

Shape Venn Diagram

There are some quizmakers who take a quiz format and master it effortlessly. 'goc3', Curator for Legend of Zelda, is one of those, with another Picture Click wonder. It looks straightforward, and there's certainly been enough Venn Diagram quizzes to practice on in recent weeks, but this one has the potential to trip you up numerous times with multiple combinations of shapes: certainly not a quiz to rush. Better get in shape, people!

Pixar Movies With No Repeating Vowels

South Park Curator 'timmylemoine1' has given us a quiz that's short and sweet, with a quiz that will make you question vowels. How many are there in a film title? Why do I keep typing 'Finding Nemo' when I know it's got the letter 'i' twice? And so on and so forth.

Also Published

College Town Matchup II by 'LTH'
Clickable Math Minefield (0-15) by 'mrsmith'
Big 4 Teams with 'W' by 'eyes355'
Hand-Drawn Movies IV by 'ddavey1983'
20 Country Snapshot VI by 'RobPro'
Multiple Choice Super Bowl Winners by 'JackDots'
The Office Characters By First Talking Head by 'zoramikau32'
Word Ladder: British Lingo! by 'caramba'
Missing Word: In Memoriam 2016 Music by 'NJSB'
Quick Pick: 'On the' Expressions by 'BeerHound'

Will we see a Super Bowl quiz published tomorrow? Hmm, I wonder...

Thursday 2 February 2017

Thursday's Quizzes (02/02/17)

Wait, if it's Groundhog Day, does that mean I'm going to be playing these same quizzes forever? Hoo boy...

Bands and Musicians by Song: 'T'

Picture Click quizzes normally do enough to grab your attention through their concept alone, but this is a particularly striking quiz in terms of its visual aspects. 'kfastic' has been on something of a roll recently and uses a good mixture of modern-day musicians and blasts from the past. The question is, which song will get in your head more: All About That Bass, or Sexyback?

Author by Cufflinks
Sticking with the theme of striking visuals, Religion Editor 'NJSB' does an outstanding job here with his slideshow quiz that features a variety of cufflinks based on classic literature. He also makes it a touch more challenging by asking for the author rather than the novel, as books have often been know to become more famous than their own creators. I particularly liked the one that features Jacob Marley, as I have played that role on a couple of occasions, but there's some other ones that are probably in even higher demand. Let's all go buy some cufflinks!

Football Referee or Judge?
It's always pleasing to see someone get their first ever Publish, but even moreso when it's a quiz you've played before and thoroughly enjoyed. 'bobinwilder1' has given some positive feedback to a few of my quizzes, so it's only fair that I return the favour, and pointing out how similar the statements of two people in different professions can be is genius. Especially when there's such tricky terms to navigate as "peremptory challenge"...

Also Published

Prolific Oscar Nominees by 'pdigoe'
Multi-Category Letter Board by 'Purple_Parrot'
Sahara Desert Country Click by 'Flick'
Century by World Leaders by 'beforever'
Five-State Borders by 'goc3'
Subcategory Multiple Choice: Sports by 'metakoopa99'
One-Word Movies by Actor II by 'ghcgh'

Word Ladder: The Incredibles by 'Spacemaniac'
Missing Word: Musical Movies (A-Z) by 'cfxlspo'
Quick Pick: Bechdel Test Movies by 'Bolaffsonify'

If I wake up to "I Got You Babe" by Sonny and Cher, there's gonna be trouble...

Wednesday 1 February 2017

Tuesday's Quizzes (31/01/17) and Wednesday's Quizzes (01/02/17)


I did feel like this might happen as soon as I started this blog, but I've decided to not feature a review of every quiz that gets published each day. It's not that I can't play all the quizzes, but I don't quite have the time to review them all properly, which is a shame. Instead, I'm going to focus on my three favourite quizzes from each day, whilst still linking all the others that make the homepage. I feel like that'll be a truer reflection of which quizzes I've enjoyed the most each day.

Let's start with yesterday's quizzes!

10 'Tri' Words

Talented Sporcler 'samc67' has come up with a simple but brilliant quiz that will make you question the definition of every word that starts with 'tri' - I may have played it five times just for the fun of it. I have to say that the 'Language' category has excellent potential for variety in its quizzes, and this is a good example of that variety.

Plant Parts We Eat
I've spoken loftily of the great 'gazzso' before on this blog and he's dangerously close to one of the greatest achievements of all: getting a Publish in every single category, otherwise known as a "Crazy Ivan". This is a quiz that makes you wonder two things: how well do you know your plants, and are you eating the right parts of them?

Actors' Best Known Movies
The Curator for Movie Characters and TV Show, 'BigAl1994', raises a valid point with this quiz: just because an actor stars in a bad film, doesn't necessarily spell bad news for that actor. Yes, Liam Neeson might not be particularly proud of the Star Wars Episode we do not speak of, but he's certainly well known for it. There's no such thing as bad publicity: or, in the case of 'BigAl1994', bad Publishes!

Also Published
Border Chain Minefield VIII by 'mrsmith'
Super Bowl Quarterback Colleges by 'BamaGuy'
5-Star Best Picture Winners by 'manonthemoon'
Countries by Logo by 'jar514'
Fake or Real Secret Service Codenames? by 'Bolassonify'
Word Ladder: Bronte Novel by 'Sesquipedaisy'
Missing Word: 'W' in Every Category by 'nopurplesky'
Quick Pick: City Nicknames II by 'PrincessMartell'

Now on to today's...

Uncertain Literature
'Thebiguglyalien', if your aim was to make me choke on my tea, then your aim was true. This is a brilliant use of a meme that's been... used to death, to put it mildly. It gives the meme meaning and uses some brilliant bits of classic literature at the same time. I laughed and typed my answers simultaneously. It's arguably my favourite quiz of the month, and we've only just got started!

Before and After... and After

A good quiz, as we've generally established, makes you think. A great quiz makes you think on two levels. This quiz by 'jakethegoldfish' falls into the latter as it makes you play a game you may well have played before: namely, how many celebrities can you link together to create one big name? Elizabeth Taylor Swift combines two, for example, but this quiz is a bit more demanding: you have to combine three using the hints available. Truly, these are mammoth names! Not that mammoths had names in prehistoric times, you understand.

Find the Countries of the World
'teedslaststand', Curator of Physics, creator of quizzes. Are you trying to make me tear my hair out? I love and hate this quiz equally. Its concept is beautiful, its tendency to make me click the wrong country in Oceania infuriating. I daresay I will end up playing it a hundred times before I get 100%. I knew the risks.

Also Published
AP NFL Coaches of the Year by 'jdmann'
Movies by IMDB FAQ III by 'Hullabaloo'
US Cities Ending in... III by 'Onno'
How I Met Your Mother Seasons by Final Scene by 'Tr4pD00r'
Not That Character Chain by 'DesertSpartan'
'I'-Less Presidents by 'guilherme_4'
Musician Images (A-Z) IV by 'diamondguy'
Honorary Oscar Recipients by 'needapausebutton'
Name That New Show (Fall 2016) by 'glh27'
Voivodeships of Poland by 'CCCP'
Word Ladder: Medicinal Cocktail by 'Mimbleton'
Missing Word: Songs by Female Country Singers by 'lolshortee'
Quick Pick: Summer Olympic Host Cities by '31415926535'

Double the Publishing fun! Aren't you lucky?

Wake me up when the groundhog's awake...